Why is Mapillary bluring street addresses?

I’ve been taking timelapse photos during my walks, and I’m noticing that despite my efforts to ensure that public street-facing addresses are recorded, it seems Mapillary blurs them? See for example: Mapillary

I’m not sure the privacy concern here, this is how e.g. businesses identify themselves. You can get this granular level of address by just clicking the building in google maps. In other countries, is this somehow PII? What do you tell the pizza delivery man?

It is because of artificial stupidity, see Erroneous blurs.

@komali_2 - these are false positives, where the algorithm is being aggressive in matching these to content it thinks should be blurred (in this case to license plates). We’re having another look now at the blurring algorithm and hope to release an updated version with fewer false positives in the next couple of months.

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A second or third picture is often not blurred.

why is there no option to remove or report them?