Blur: obscured useful mapping data

Since “unprocessed originals” do not exist anymore, will collect examples of useful info being blurred - housenumbers, flat numbers etc.

  1. Flat numbers blurred: Mapillary .

if I remember correctly, after you upload they only give access to your own ‘unprocessed’ original for a month or so. After that, only the blurred version can be found (and downloaded). It gives us some confidence facebook will not use our pictures for data analysis. So why is it so bad [assuming useful signs and numbers are not blurred - like your example] ?

That rule was abandoned to satisfy the Facebook haters.
But I did not know that rule. I presumed that the pictures would become public 90 years from now.
Or at least I thought that the originals were kept until their blurring worked.

Indeed, originals are not kept for any period of time now.
So any blurred mapping info remains blurred, no way to make it readable.

As for 90 years, never heard of such an assumption. The blurs are not related to copyright, they are related to privacy - rather orthogonal concepts.

A few more. One is somewhat readable still.
Seen many examples of false positive blurs on other objects, too many to report manually. Only listing examples that obscure info, useful in mapping.

Statues, billboards.
I easily found a picture with 16 wrong blurs.
For me there is no fun in mutilated photography.
Luckily blurring did not exist in the nineteenth century.

Deletion of original photos was made shortly before the sale of Mapillary to Facebook was announced, so they probably did it to ensure Facebook could not abuse original images after they gained control.
Facebook are still breaking EU law by collection data about people without consent so I think it was good to delete those images.

Luckily I take five times the same picture. But is Mapillary something to be used profesionally ? I don’t think so.

We must respect the privacy of our fire hydrants

Really : a policeman told me we must respect the privacy of police dogs.

Still seeing useful info blurred very frequently - and we cannot unblur it anymore.
Here’s an example - the only photo with flats for this entrance, blurred.

I’m having issues with incorrect blurring too, for example the street name on the plate on the top right got blurred:

Ah yeah, seen quite a lot of those blurred as well.

Blurred flat numbers. Just a few example, there are waaaaay more.
In some of these they got blurred so well, they’re hard to find even :slight_smile:

Blurrred housenumber (left side edge): Mapillary .

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And here’s a very fresh one to show this still happening frequently - street signs blurred.

All we can do is to take five pictures of it and hope.

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Privacy concerns were cited before, although I suppose technical difficulties might be significant here.
24 hours will be waaaay to little, as often processing of the sequences takes days or weeks, and in many cases I’d notice useful stuff being blurred even later, as not all mapping can be done that soon after uploading images. Sometimes I end up mapping a particular place a year later.

I now always save locally images I take with specific detail.
At least 3 reasons:

  • Uploading and processing can take a long time somtetimes (and sometimes things get stuck).
  • This blurring.
  • In JOSM, I cannot filter for my own images anymore, so it’s much harder to get only my images for mapping.

Had not taken separate images here, will have to return - all images with flat numbers on entrances have them blurred :slight_smile: