Existing images captured on old app not on new app

How am I going to upload the sequences from the old app? The only pop up I see on the old app is to download the new app to upload my sequences in the new one. How do I transfer them? Also, on the capture screen, why is the capture screen now white?

Any update on this issue ?
I have the same problem.

You can download the photos from the old app from your phone to your computer.Then upload with the Mapillary desktop uploader

It was not working yesterday, Upload via Desktop app, was not possible.
But I found information on the mapillary Help site.

Note. If you want to upload images captured with the Mapillary mobile apps, you need to take some extra steps to make sure the images copied to your computer are geotagged. For iOS, see the instructions here. For Android, you need to use designated software to add location data to images from the separately saved GPX file.

Sorry, wrong topic.

The HowTo is not working, Mapillary Uploader ist not working always “Upload failed”
The Location data is updated and shown.
Really good work, i´m done with mapillary now.

Where can I find the photos made with the new app, if I still haven’t uploaded them? I searched for all .jpg files in my mobile and I found nothing. I also did not find any .gpx file of my tour.

in the new app you are not able to copy them anymore… folder is not accessible (to protect privacy :rofl: )

Where I can find more info on this? Where is the folder located an named?