Amazing !
Hats off to you!!
Here in Chennai with Govt Department as the service provider we struggle to upload 100 images of normal pixel 1.5MB, in one hour even with the so called highest speed Broad Band Plan with so much of traffic.
8000 images in a day in unimaginable. None can run a race with you.
But please ensure that your photos are viewed by occasional reference to URL of some important places in your posts.
I entered the Terabyte era.
To change storage to SD card on your app, you need to select ‘Settings’, then select ‘Storage’, then select ‘Picture Storage Location’.
If your Samsung S7 is anything like my S3 then I select ExtSDCard to save images to the SD card
Adam said
““To change storage to SD card on your app, you need to select ‘Settings’, then select ‘Storage’, then select ‘Picture Storage Location’.””
But can you/I still up load from the phone?
I’ll try it when I get one empty. Cell coverage has been spotty this trip.
The wifi the last two nights was over dial up.
Missouri is an undeveloped country.
@JBTheMilker I’ll see what I can do for a step by step doc on this to help folks out.
There are 2 pieces to grabbing those files. The first is go into the Mapillary map and make sure the settings are set to store the photos to a dir on the sd card. If not, you can change it to one there.
Do you have windows on your laptop? If so, you should be able to plug in the phone to it with your USB2 cord. Windows should prompt that a new device is connected. Open the device in windows explorer, go to the sd card, go into the app.mapillary folder and you’ll find the pictures in there.
If you don’t see anything under your phone in windows explorer, pop the phone open and allow the computer to access it.
I took a few pics but they’ve allready been uploaded. Otherwise you would see jpegs in there.
I do have windows.
I find if I transfer the pictures to the Lal top I can up load them in batches of about 1,000 per. I open several winds, each with about 1,000 and they very slowly, ovet wifi up load the pictures.
I’m sure I get some duplicates I just grab handfulls.
As for savi g to the sd catd…
I go to settings, then storage . I get the paragraph with where they are stored ending in ““click here to change.”” But then I’m not given the sd card as an option.
The up arrow in the top left corner lets you go up one directory.
Didz said,
“” up arrow in the top left corner lets you go up one directory.“”
I found that. I hiked up through the various levels, never found sd card.
Wish I had, my phones are now full.
At least it is all interstate highways from here on back to Ohio.
It might already be in the SD card, your path looks similar to mine.
You could also lookup in the memory management within the settings on the phone somewhere. The SD card may be full while phone memory may not be.
@JBTheMilker were you able to see the files on the sd card from your phone? You should be able to see them via “my fils” or some other file browser app.
I looked.
I have 9.8 gig of data on the phone, Mapillary pictures. The card is still empty and waiting.
I’m home with moderate to good cell service and should be able to empty this phone during the night.
Today is a nice sunny day. I’m afraid I’m filling all available memory on the phone as I go from customer to customer talking about more long trips.
I will be heading out west in July. I’d sure like to be using SD cards by then.
I have six 128 SD cards I could fill.
I took the time and got my new phone so the pictures are stored on the SD card. I’m anxious to see how this works.
After two months of being at the top of the lraderboard I was beaten last week.
The mapping I do does not seem extra ordinary to me. Id think many others would be doing more mapping than I do.
This weekend I have a trip booked to upper New York State. I won’t have cell service, my phones will most likely end the week full waiting for cell service to upload.
Safe travels!
good to hear that you’ve got Mapillary storing pics on a microsd now. That’ll help for the trip out west.
I noticed that last week,l, JBTHEMILKER, was top contributor in Canada. I haven’t been over the boundary in 18 years.
If you were close to the border, then it’s not uncommon to be placed in the wrong country. We are using Mapzen’s WOF shapes for borders - - and they are not ideal, but it’s the best we have at hand right now.
I never thought about that since I am on an island continent and all.
I would of thought it would of been based on Open Street Map.