**"யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளீர்"
"World is one Country. All are Friends!"**
Born in Yangon.Live in Chennai.Retired from Revenue Department since July 2011. Maps, geography,tours,travels, trekking, language learning,photography, astronomy,UFO, Music are some of my several interests. Born to Indian Parents in Yangon, Burma.At 13 years migrated to India in 1965. Studied B.Sc in Presidency College. Served in Central excise & Customs. Retired from my Govt Service from 31st July,2011. I have not engaged myself in Taxation Consultancy. I want to live the life of my own. Money is not all.
Even at 65 my activities relate to Travels , Photography, Music(any), movies(Tamil,Hindi,English), Languages (trying to learn the scripts of more languages- apart from reading anything as an enthusiastic layman more emphasis is on Astronomy, Geology, Geography,Evolution Theories, UFOs and their "Stories", some History, Religion and religious stories and analysis and comments on Religion.
Uploaded an odd 162000+ photos in Panoramio, (upto 4th November 2016) http://www.panoramio.com/user/5276428
ranking world 3rd when Panoramio is dead) / interested in Google Earth,
active in Wikimapia http://old.wikimapia.org/#lat=30.7407614&lon=79.5200462&z=15&l=0&m=b&v=8&show=/user/533914
ranking 58th (3rd in In India) creating & editing places with multi lingual titles mainly in India... a projection without an assigned project... that's me.
Though acquired diversified knowledge in Revenue Dept my interest are as diversified as Travels , Photography, ; after retirement I have time for my interests. I have interest in People welfare - never interested in active politics or participation. I am active in Facebook as Dhanasekaran Muthu in URL https://www.facebook.com/dhanasekaran.muthu.52
I am transparent to all including young ones with no hidden agenda.
Love all even my enemies.