The sequence editor. Multichoose?

Is it possible to multichoose points in the sequence for move or delete?
For example, I want to delete more than 10 points from sequence, when my carcam had bad GPS signal (e.g. when I stopped on the crossroad for minute or two — Mapillary).

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The forum even does not allow a simple “yes” or “no” answer.

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If «yes», ofc I want to know «how» :slight_smile:

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The answer is no…

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you’d be better off adjusting images pre-uploading

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You won’t believe it, but there is actually a Help.

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It is good idea. Mapillary uploader prepares my video and extracts GPX from carcam video. So, I need useful GPX editor for mac os.

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Oh, I investigated all tools from this list, and all of them looks unusable. I found editor GPX Editor, but I can’t check it without 20 pounds. It’s sad…

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I have done some testing here and there, here’s part of it:

I do see the need for a good GPX editer to alter/improve even create GPX files… but hey it’s a lot of work… so I do understand that “mr GPX editor” wants some money in return… that person (and I) also can’t pay the mortgage with just good intentions and a “thank you”…


Thank you for this tools!

Yep, I understood you, and you are right – any work should be paid. In this situation I spent time for mapillary and for OSM and for Waze and for Wiki, it’s just hobby for me. So I want search free tool.


you can remome 1 or more photo from web version mapillary

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Yep, I can, but it very slowly, I want to choose set of points in area and remove all of them in one click.
And ideally, if possible, move all selected points in area for correct location of the siquence.

So, guys, I use blackvue carcam, and it produces 120 images for 1 minute of the video, and if carcam had bad GPS signal in the city, I need a lot of time to fix it or remove it.

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I know this might not be the fix you wanted, but it might be easier to:

  • reduce fps
  • filter by gps signal if blackvue gives this sort of data
  • use an exif editor with multi selection (if there is one?)
  • write a separate gpx track with something more accurate and post process
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Hi all,
I tried next scenario, but without any result :frowning:

  • Run Mapillary Uploader
  • Open folder with video and wait for processing
  • Open GPX file with QMapShack, edit and save it
  • Upload video
  • All edits ignoring :frowning:
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I wrote Greasy Fork script with shorcuts for Sequence editor - Mapillary Shrocuts


  • W — next image in sequence
  • S — previous image in sequence
  • D — delete image in sequence
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Interesting… how to use this?

You should install Script Manager and than - my script.
You can found manual here - Greasy Fork - безпечні і корисні скрипти користувачів

So, as Waze editor - I wrote and use many scripts :slight_smile:

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I found the solution, but it is not simple.

Step I - extract GPX files:

  • run Mapillary Uploader and choose folder with carcam video
  • close Mapillary Uploader (not needed it more)

Now, you have GPX files for every video file. (I don’t know how I can do it with mapillary_tools).

Step II - edit GPX:

  • you need to download JOSM (it is desktop editor for OpenStreetMap)
  • open GPX files with JOSM
  • click on GPX track and convert it to Data Layer
  • important: keep additional data (two columns), and proceed without simplifying
  • edit your GPX track
  • export DataLayer as GPX (rewrite current GPX file)

So, you have video and updated GPX files, we are ready to process and upload files.

Step III:

  • you need to download mapillary tools
  • run command to extract images from video and rewrite GPX data:

./mapillary_tools video_process_and_upload --import_path "./Images/" --video_import_path "./Updated/20191123_122811_NF.mp4" --user_name "antoshka" --advanced --geotag_source "gpx" --geotag_source_path "./Updated/20191123_122811_NF.gpx" --video_sample_interval 1 --interpolate_directions --overwrite_EXIF_gps_tag


Bash script for process folder:

bash script

echo "### ----------------------- ###"
echo "### Start Mapillary Process ###"
echo "### ----------------------- ###"

for fullfile in "$VIDEO_FOLDER"/*.mp4
  filename=$(basename -- "$fullfile")
  echo ""
  echo "    File: $filename"
  echo ""
  echo "### ----------------------- ###"
  ./mapillary_tools video_process_and_upload --import_path "$IMAGES_FOLDER" --video_import_path "$VIDEO_FOLDER/$filename.mp4" --user_name "antoshka" --advanced --geotag_source "gpx" --geotag_source_path "$VIDEO_FOLDER/$filename.gpx" --video_sample_interval 0.5 --interpolate_directions --overwrite_EXIF_gps_tag
  rm -r "$IMAGES_FOLDER/mapillary_sampled_video_frames/$filename"
  echo "### ----------------------- ###"
echo "###     Upload Finished     ###"
echo "### ----------------------- ###"
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