Style for downloaded data

Anyone can now download map features relatively easily. However, the traffic sign dataset alone contains a huge number of different signs. Is there a place where we can drop styling for QGIS or other software? Or ideally, re-use styling that someone else made before?

I have used the images from here:

And then in QGIS set the marker style to SVG and source as expression (e.g. ‘/home/user/mapillary/’|| feature_value || ‘.svg’). That way all signs get the correct symbology with least effort.

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Awesome, I’ll give it a shot!

I think it would be trivial to implement in Mapillary infrastructure or anywhere else with suitable matching tables. However, making those is quite an effort. While most signs can be matched quite easily (e.g. speed limits), others are not so simple. Vienna convention only goes so far.
For example, a sign for zebra crossing ( information--pedestrians-crossing--g1) is set on both sides of street in Estonia. And those signs on left and right have different codes (543 and 544).
But yes, if someone had the time to make those, it would be an awesome dataset.

The format could be just a simple JSON, something like this:

	"regulatory--maximum-speed-limit-100--g3": {
		"Label": 100,
		"EE": "351",
		"FI": "C32"
		"LV": "323",
		"SE": "C31"

At this point there are 1530 signs in API documentation and 1543 in image repo. Lot of signs are duplicates for different locales (like 10 differrent STOP signs), some apply only to Europe, some only in USA and so on. It shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes to find match for a single sign, so it would take roughly a week to complete one locale. Definitely doable for a motivated person.

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Thanks a LOT for the expression for QGIS. We almost gave up to define manually