Traffic signs: can we provide images of the real thing?

A lot of Belgian traffic signs aren’t recognized, like for example this nice one from the F99 series. Is there a way we can contribute images/vectors of existing traffic signs so that Mapillary can learn to detect them?

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Dear @joostjakob :

We could start by sending a download link to the ‘Wegcode’? for the Dutch language version, and for a partial English language version of the rules.

The Flemish Highways Agency do a large sheet showing all current signs at , which should also help Mapillary understand the prevalence of ‘onderborden’: signs partially countermanding the instruction displayed on the main sign : ‘oneway’ but except for ‘fietsen’ , and while we’re at it : temporary traffic signs, in the case of a Schoolstraat ‘no vehicles’ applies only during two half-hour time slots on schooldays , or ‘speelstraat’, where parents can choose to close (or not depending on what their mood dictates), their residential street during school holidays with barriers and signs provided by the municipality, to allow their children a safe place to play - mainly in urban areas.

Never mind translating ‘fiets’ and ‘rijwiel’, the various ‘voortbewegingstoestellen’, monowheels and hoverboards, then working out which can go where …

Don’t get carried away :slight_smile:

A PDF is really not practical to extract data from. But for example the code for a JOSM traffic sign plugin might be usable as well as scalable.

The exact implication of the sign is largely irrelevant to the sign. But indeed, having the “undersigns” would be extremely useful. If Mapillary is up for a challenge, they could try out some algortihms on this beautiful signpost in Brussels.

One can copy -thus extract- images from the Wegcode, and as a bonus they come with the official legal definition ; the second document -even though one can’t copy the images- shows many commonly used official roadside signs which would be of use to data consumers if recognised.

@joostjakob : that Brussels totem-pole is likely one of the most exquisitely decorated samples ; what /does/ it say in the sixth sign from the top (the one above ‘Rappel’), please?

@mapillary : does the algorithm differentiate between permanent and temporary road signs? Compare Mapillary , Mapillary : stopping / parking restriction removed after months of road works?

Plus that, on Mapillary going by the recognised signs the max. weight restriction, and that parking is paid-for don’t seem to have been recognised, and the parking fee payment console is only recognised as a P-sign, while to a data user the location of that console would be an added benefit?

Just my tuppence, which may or not …

Uh yeah, made a little mistake, sorry! The OSM wiki contains an SVG for most any sign in that plugin, with a logical URL like Bestand:Belgian road sign C5.svg - Wikipedia . The page Road signs in Belgium - OpenStreetMap Wiki might also be usefu, as it contains link to image, traffic sign number and effect in OSM.

My point is mostly: I’d prefer Mapillary to demand structured data from us, so they can take these requests more easily; rather than having them put a lot of work in a one-time operation.

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