[SOLVED] Mapillary Android crash on start

Multiple fixes were applied and now the old and new apps will work normally (i.e. the style on the server was also updated). That’s the one which was the cause for this forum.

Now about uploading. That looks like a separate problem. Could you check whether you can capture and upload a single sequence? (if you open a sequence, you will be able to upload only this one).

As it’s hard to debug remote, I would like to verify if that’s failing old sequences or everything.

If everything - then that’s something terrible and let’s take a look.

If only the old sequences, then let’s open a few of them randomly and upload them in separate. Maybe there’s only one, or maybe multiple which failed for some reasons.

BR, Yaro

It is sorted out now

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I’m having issues of finalising uploads. I posted images on the 2 January and it still says 'finalising". Also, the finalising videotapes is not able to ne played. What should I do?


It’s related to this:

Kind regards,

Okayy. Tranquilo