How to contact a user?

I only found Telling folks what I do - #16 by bob3bob3, where it says:
'If you are using the imagery web page and are viewing someones image it is possible to comment on it. (Hover over the icons to find “Comment”.
And in Telling folks what I do - #17 by eneerhut it says: “Comments are definitely the most effective way to get in touch with someone who has contributed imagery. They will receive an email …”
I really hovered over everything, but without success.

Unfortunately the comment functionality was removed in 2021 when we made a major platform change. We’d love to learn more about how you would use comments though so we can consider future features.

I was just looking for a way to get in contact with a user, e. g. to ask him about the settings he used for a video or details about the camera he used.

Makes sense.
For camera details, you might be able to get some of the information you need from the image details tab. You can also ask in the forum if you have questions about recommended settings for a particular camera.

I have noticed this with pity too back then but kept silent in hope that it may come back sooner or later. :open_mouth: I did not realize that it was this long ago already. Apparently, by what you are saying, it sounds more like this functionality has been rather scraped and no plans were made to bring it back or replace it in the future, which is unfortunate because it was a useful feature, not only for contacting contributors. Imho referring here to the forum does not help much either because these two websites/services are disconnected, which is another unfortunate thing because I have ever since advocated for the forum to share its ID and authentication management with the Mapillary service (SSO). What is strange is the fact that the Mapillary service exposes an OAuth 2.0 interface for everybody for that matter but the forum does not make use of it. Even more so is beyond me, why Mapillary overall does not rely solely on OpenStreetMap authentication (and maybe Facebook now, for obvious reasons). So, things do not add up here. Sure, ID management is nothing sexy but properly and consequently done can make user’s lives a bit easier. Anyway, the reason why I am going off a tangent here is because the forum and the Mapillary services should be connected and it all starts with unified user management. The forum has a personal message feature which could take care of contacting contributors. I can also think of a structured way to integrate the forum with notes and comments left on images, so that all image comments can be browsed, searched, and accessed on the forum without the need for searching a particular image on the map. Hence, there is a lot of potential left on the table here by Mapillary.

Maybe integrating the Mapillary service in this area with Facebook features might be easier or better to do? :person_shrugging: I do not know, since I am not a direct Facebook user. But, this is a discussion for another thread because this kind of thing would surely be hotly :fire: debated.

Anyway, I do not know how much such a feature is needed but I guess it is like with everything else: “When they build it, they will come to use it.” :wink:


This is a great feature suggestion @GITNE.

We’ve started some work in this space by asking users to specify their Mapillary username at forum sign-up several months ago (its a first baby step, but for example if you look at Ed’s profile you’ll see his Mapillary username there).

Everyone can edit their own profile to add their Mapillary username. General SSO would make a lot of sense though, so consider it on the backlog!

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Thank you for the hint @boris. I was not aware of this. It’s better than nothing. Thank you also for considering SSO as the final solution. :+1:


Of course, and thank you for your suggestions as always! We appreciate it.

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This seems to be a good idea. Recently I saw a user who seems to be enthusiastic in capturing street views in my city, and I wish I could contact them.