READ FIRST: A guide to the Mapillary Community Forum

Welcome to the Mapillary forum. Here you can connect with other Mapillary contributors, share feedback, discuss features, and exchange experiences and tips. Our community is full of helpful and smart people that have a lot to share. Enjoy!

Here is a short guide for you to get around the Mapillary community forum.

  1. Get familiar with the forum and see if another user has raised the same topic before. Use search and it is done in a few seconds.

  2. Categories are also a quick way to find what you are looking for.

  3. To post a question or join a discussion you need to sign up.

  4. Sign up also to get notified of the latest forum posts and topics that are of interest to you.

  5. Make sure to follow the guidelines we have set up.

  6. The forum is first and foremost meant for connecting with other community members. If you are looking for instructions on using Mapillary, we suggest that you start with our Help Pages. If you want to report bugs or issues, please contact us at

Enjoy the discussions!

/the Mapillary team


@Sandra am @Bukenya1 and it my first time on this platform am so honered to meet great people here with encouragements and supportive people.
So my challange is the dairly internet which is not good to upload the images and my question. Is this can I just take images anyhow or there is specific images which are supported to be taken

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