I’m not sure whether this thing I discovered is causing issue like Page not found or Page not found or Page not found .
But it is… rather peculiar.

What is it, I hope you are asking in an intrigued voice.

I was using the latest Mapillary app to capture images and upload them. App was getting slow and crashing frequently. Eventually most of the images were uploaded, but 19 remained.
Decided to look at what files are there.

Oh my.

The was showing that there are 19 images remaining to upload.
The “mapillary” directory was using 34.8MB on the phone.
Copied it to the computer, where it was reported as using 36MB.
There were 3 sequences in “mapillary/sequences/”.
There actually were only 16 images (excluding thumbnails).

Yep, 22.5K files.

Files like 2020_06_18_10_58_11_686.done, 2020_06_18_10_58_11_686.processed, 2020_06_18_10_58_11_686.scheduled . 0-byte files.

I don’t know whether the insane number of files is the main reason for the hangs and crashes, but it surely cannot help…

One of the three sequence directories also had a 5 MB sequence.gpx file. While that is a bit large-ish, I’d hope it is not the reason for the app becoming unusable. Unless processing on the phone is somehow terribly inefficient.

Thanks for reporting! And sorry for the late reply. I finally got some time to look into this bug and I have found the cause, will fix it now and upload a fix soon.

Thank you do much, what’s the cause, and could it have resulted in the massive slowdowns?
In what version number could the fix be expected?

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I will submit a new build today so hopefully it will be approved in a day or so.


Thank you, the changes have landed. Changelog mentioned “uploading not always cleaning up bookkeeping files”. Not sure on the conditions for this, but glad it’s fixed :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, it did not help with the major performance issues / crashes, especially at the app startup.
If you have a chance to see what weird thing the app is doing at startup, that could cause Page not found , that would be really wonderful.
Had trouble with it yesterday with only 4K images, when the old versions worked great with 55K images…

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