Feature request: bring back optional shutter sound

When taking images on bicycle I used the shutter sound as check that picture taking is running. As I use the dimmed screen option to reduce power consumption, and also as overheating protection in sunny conditions, I cannot check the stats of image taking by watching the screen.

Unfortunately it happens that picture taking is occasionally interrupted for unknown reasons, the shutter sound (or any other not too intrusive type of sound) would be nice to have back,. PLEASE.

Hi @voschix - are you using iOS? It sounds like you might be on iOS 18 beta, is that possible? @Anders - is that correct?

No, I am on Android, with an old Samsung S9.

Ah, I don’t think we’ve had a shutter sound there for a long time, @Yaro - do you know?

I think this feature disappeared not so long ago. In any case I posted on 3 June in this forum with the title# Android app has lost useful featuresNow I am asking positively to get back at least the shutter sound, for good reason. I lost many hours of images because I did not realise that the picture taking had stopped… This was more frequent in the summer, most likely due to overheating of the phone, as I had it running permanently on an external power bank, plus direct sunlight on the phone on the handlebar, plus a black protective phone case.

It think it would be much better to have an alarm that sounds in case the capturing stops. No potential annoying sounds for each picture. It has to be super reliable though. Maybe there is a way to have an independent background service that supervises the main app.

That’s a great idea @enteq, of having more distinct feedback when the app must stop capturing. I had a similar problem with having some parts of my capture jorney missed, just because I didn’t know the app is not capturing.

Thinking out loud, I see are two main cases where we’re stopping the capture (both we can identify in the app):

  1. Phone condition (overheat, out of memory, etc).
  2. Capture condition (GPS accuracy, maybe something else I can’t think of).

The only side-effect I see is user distraction while driving (shutter animatoin switcher in setting exists partially because of these reasons), but, I guess, we can think about something @boris.

About a shutter sound, as I remember it was removed during or even before redesign, which is at lesat 7+ months ago (cc @boris that’s from top of my mind, but I can find the exact date if will be needed).

BR, Yaro

Thank you for the feature request folks, we’ll give this some thought (and in general how to best alert when capturing has stopped without user interaction) cc: @mgoes

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I’m not insisting on the shutter sound, but it should be something that gives an active feedback, without looking at the screen (which I keep dimmed to save battery) and that is not based on a list of assumed, potential failures, as this would be the wrong approach. I had some picture taking interruptions on three different smartphones that I detected thanks to the shutter sound trick. I did not have the time to investigate what caused the problem, and I have no idea what caused the stops. The normal reaction was to just restart the app. If that didn’t work, a restart of the phone.

Makes sense, thank you @voschix !