Android: Mapillary 6.3 open testing


Hi there. Our new Open Testing (version 6.3) is out. Thanks everyone for participation (How to join? , Don’t have the app? ).

In this release we are introducing a new way to save images when capturing. When you’ll be recording new captures they’ll be automatically saved to the Pictures folder on your device and you can access them from outside the Mapillary application. This feature can be turned on/off by a toggle in Settings.
Additionally we added the option to Save images from not yet uploaded captures when multi-selecting them.

If you have any questions, or suggestions - please report them here.

cc: @Yaro @boris

Best Regards,

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Hi there,

Good improvement.

Are the images in this folder automatically deleted after uploading?

BR Louis

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Hi @Lowiekse. The answer is yes, they, images, will be deleted after uploading.

BR. Yaro

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I would like options to add sequences from another folder.

For example, I made a sequence in the OpenCamera application saved in the OCmap folder (any other name).

Or a separate application that would work similar to Uploader from PC, but on android. For me, only the ability to upload photos would suffice…

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Mapillary 6.3.12

High data consumption of android app during recording because of map can not be disabled

Often warnings for bad gps even when point is still on the street in map display.

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I don’t have this problem. My device is always offline during recording.

@Langfahrer - could you share more? What sort of data consumption are you seeing? (don’t know if you have a screenshot or data from your device?)

Thank you also for the GPS note. The recording should auto-resume when GPS is considered good enough again, is that working for you?

The recording should auto-resume when GPS is considered good enough again, is that working for you?

Autoresume works, but the recording is very rare.

What sort of data consumption are you seeing

What should I answer? I don’t know by sure what data the app is loading, but the app is (i guess down) loading much data during the recording.

My device is running the navigation at the same time so I can not switch of the mobile data.

@Langfahrer - why do you think that the app is “loading much data during the recording” - there should be a minimal amount of data transfer happening (basically just to update the map). Do you have any data tracking app that is showing a significant amount of data usage, or why do you have this impression?

Yes I use the app My Data Manager.
Opening the app already consumes 8 MB,
after changing to recording view (no recording) 16 MB,

From the hourly statistic
18.05 12 pm during driving/recording 667 images 66 MB
18.05. 1 pm during driving/recording 634 images 52,2 MB
18.05 8 pm during driving/recording 243 images 17 MB

this is the data consumption of mapillary onyl.
auto upload is switched off, I did the upload later using wlan


Thanks for those numbers! Out of curiosity, are you able to check how much data Google Maps consumed during the same routes if you had it open for navigation.

I will not repeat the route it in the next time. I can test with a new route but that is a thing you could do yourself. Typically I use offline navigation of Tomtom. There are only about 2 MB per hour for traffic data.

Ah, I believe offline navigation will use much less data because the map is already pre-downloaded.

Of cause, but this is the reason why I wouldn’t use online maps for navigation.

@Langfahrer - we’ll look more into the transfer sizes - as a workaround for now you could use picture in picture mode which doesn’t display the map and should not have much data transfer. When you’re capturing switch to the home screen or another app to enable picture in picture.

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We’ve released another version 6.3.24, which has a fix for Crash on Android 10+ devices when trying to share nonpublished image through the app while it’s available in the devices shared storage (Pictures/Mapillary folder).

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