Just how hard is this forum to find for new users?

I bought the new S8 phone today. One of my two S7s had been dropped a few too many times. The S8 have 64 gig phone memory plus a SD slot.
So I set to work setting up the new S8.
I wanted this forum on there. I went to the play store thinking this was an app.
Search as I might the play store does not carry the forum.
I did a few Google searches.
Still nothing.
I had to go chase down the email invite one of the team sent me.
I got the frame work for the Mapillary Forum on my S8 now. But I can’t sign in using my same email account. It says I have the wrong password.
This is sent from my S6. You may see me soon under a fourth name. Each new sign in from a new phone seems to require a new email and a new user name.

There really needs to be a link from the app to the forums.
I spoke with three tech coaches before we could find and get set up on the forums here when I brought my new phone.
Finding the forums should not be as hard as it is.

@JBTheMilker Thanks for the insights! It’s a good point the forum could be made more visible.

You should, in any case, be able to log into the forum from different devices with the same account. Could you try resetting your password (there is a button on the login screen)? We’re not building this forum ourselves but I can still say that it should not force you to create a new user for every device you want to access it from…

In the end, after quite a struggle and changing my password yet again, I was able to get in on one of my old accounts.