Recomendations for bike mount for GoPro Max 360?

So here’s what I want to do. I want to get a GoPro Max 360 to mount onto my Juiced Bikes Hyperscorpion (e-bike). I’m wanting to mount the camera on an extension that gets mounted here on the back of the bike.

I already own the GoPro handlebar clamp and would like to find an extension pole that will reach over the top of my head. I believe that I would need about 45 to 50 inches to clear the top of my head. I was thinking about buying two of these extension sets from GoBUDi, but I’d like a better solution if there is one. I’m open to a DIY setup too.

Hi, Verticles,

First thought : consider leverage on the lower GoPro-type hinge : you’ll rely on that to take the strain of the leverage exerted by a camera on 1 - 1¼m arm (the extension pole) :

While ago mounted a Hero9 with the GoPro handlebar mount, added an 8"/ 20cm extension, found the lower GoPro-type hinge couldn’t be fastened tightly enough; assembly would stay upright on smooth flat surfaces, but when crossing a joint or cross-gully the arm would sway and stay out of whack (apologies for my technical terms);

There are backpack mounted sets, which shortens the needed extension pole, and back harnesses which’ll also take a shorter extension, plus that your body flexing will dampen those jolts on rough surfaces.

As an alternative, some contributors from the Belgian OSM community mount the camera to their helmet using - going by photos - for example a Hama-brand strap-mounted base.

Hope this helps? Met als immer vriendelijke groet,

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A backpack mount is inconvenient when riding under overhanging trees and bushes - something that happens much more than you’d think. From that viewpoint, the helmet mount works the best.

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I’m using regular rucksack and mounting GoPro MAX to the selfie stick. I’m happy with the result. You can check it out the sequence here Mapillary

Hi, @MikeN,

Would, from where I live and ride the bicycle, agree : there are many backroads with low, overhanging branches, which - while not catching the camera - will eventually point it upwards, as would a user near Greenvill, S.C. - where a MikeN has drawn many green tracks ;

filtering on username @VerticiesBird find series to the south-east of Los Angeles, with wide boulevards : not (m?)any low branches on that account’s photos, hence unlikely issue for that user, nor for user @asturksever?

Afterthought to the post by @oldmancelli : does your helmet mount incorporate some flexible / hinge point for the unforeseen moment you do ride under some low but sturdy overhead thinghy , as again the leverage of the protruding camera will jolt your head backwards.

But generally a valid point.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Nope! My helmet mount is NOT SAFE! :slight_smile:
The mount is a secure mount that is screwed into the top of the helmet. I have had it pointed out that the screws will, no doubt, compromise the integrity of the helmet. That together with the issue you point out - If I were to catch it on something then it will pull my head back. I actually expect that the camera, mount, and/or helmet would break if I were to hit something, but I’m not too worried about that because I’m not going anywhere with low hanging branches.
I would like to get a gopro 360 to mount on the top of my helmet like others have done and that would have a hinge. This would solve two issues: 1) lighter camera would be much more comfortable 2) hinge would add a bit of safety.
Until then I will continue to risk my life I guess.

I, like others, use a GoPro Max mounted on my bike helmet. My original helmet used a mount that was supposed to use straps to mount to the helmet itself but I used cable ties for more security. Still going strong and I’ve never had an issue. My new helmet just uses a standard GoPro adhesive mount to attach to the helmet and I’ve also never had any issues - I didn’t trust the adhesive at first but it’s been fine.

I’ve considered mounting on a pole to improve the perspective and get my helmet out of the images but worry about the additional leverage on the mounts and the camera swaying back and forth - my neck acts as a pretty good damper and the weight is not an issue for me.

My 360 images can be found at: Mapillary note though that this was also include Max images captured from a car (roof mount).

Originally I captured as timelapse photo’s and pre-processed to remove the nadir. Now I just upload 360 video and let Mapillary do all the processing.

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Do you do anything special to keep it in place on your bag? This setup sounds the best for me (especially on the price point lol).

Yes, it shouldn’t be an issue outside of a few places that don’t trim their trees over the bike lanes.

What timelapse settings do you use?

For timelapse settings I used to use 360 photo’s taken every 2s (fastest the max can do) which results in sequences like Mapillary with 5760x2880 images.

These days I’m just capturing 360 video and uploading to Mapillary and letting them do the processing. This results in lower resolution images (4096x2048) but potentially higher frequency captures (more of a difference when capturing at higher travel speeds, e.g. from a car) , see Mapillary

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Not really, my rucksack has a hole for hydration pack and I’m using this hole for keeping the camera stable. Please see below photos.


I like it. What does the inside look like?

I use lighting tripod central pole:


Im mounting it to the back rack of my bicycle.

Or I use backpack with hydration pack place like was described here.

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@masterofnoroad your captures look great! Nice work.