Old images from older version of the app

When I open the app I’m getting:

"Old images
We have detected that you have 20 images captured with an older version of the app that haven’t been uploaded.

You cannot upload these with this version of the app.

Please contact support@mapillary.com on how to upload these images."

I have tried pressing the “Email support” button, waited months now but didn’t get a reply!

Has anyone else had this problem?


Hi @gmc, have you sent an email to support@mapillary.com? Do you use Mapillary App at IOS device?

Hi @asturksever yes it’s iOS, I sent the email on 9th April.

@gmc Support team replied your email on 14th of May and did not get any response from you. We will send you follow-up email, please let me know when you receive it.

@asturksever thanks, yes I have found the original email now but didn’t get anything today. Sorry for the trouble.

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