New Mapillary Uploader (4.4.0) is out!

A new version of the uploader is now available for download and contains bunch of new features and improvements:

We’ve added the option to turn on “automatic upload” which means that you don’t have to wait until processing is done to start your upload. You’ll be able to see the information about the files that were uploaded as well as any errors that were encountered on the updated “upload complete” view after of the upload. You can always turn off automatic upload in your settings.

We’ve also enabled adding more files while processing is in progress. You can keep adding files or folders via drag-and-drop or using the “Add more files” button without waiting for the previously selected files to finish processing.

On the map view, you can now also switch the basemap style using the new button next to the zoom controls. You can choose between the same 4 basemaps as on the web and in Mapillary mobile apps.

Also included in this update are several performance and stability improvements.

Thanks to everyone for using the desktop uploader and providing feedback and ideas!



The linux appimage is compiled for ARM, not x86-64:

file ./mapillary-uploader-4.4.0.AppImage
./mapillary-uploader-4.4.0.AppImage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=4b12022a0a60af0d4b7920deac219fcbd1d92080, stripped

That is nice for raspberry pi users, but for normal PC users this will not work.

Thanks for reporting! We made some updates to our build system recently that inadvertently changed the Linux build target. This has been fixed in version 4.4.1. Please download the latest version from the desktop uploader page. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Please make it possible to add more files not only while (pre-)processing is in progress but also while the app is already uploading.

I get the following error:] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/user/1000/.mount_mapillu0GmM8/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.

This I was able to solve with

./mapillary-uploader-4.4.1.AppImage --no-sandbox

Then it works, but the very useful drag&drop seems still broken on Kubuntu 24.04 with Plasma 5 on wayland. My suspicion is now that this is a general problem with browsers on that platform.

Maybe I just need to wait for Kubuntu 24.10 which comes out in October with Plasma 6 and should have multiple bugfixes in that direction, e.g.:

Looks like the rough approximation of an upload bar has also been made more logical, definitely appreciate this

Hi guys,
I just tryed the new “add more files” function but it seems not to work with .360 files. (Couldn’t test .mp4 yet). It says that it couldn’t find gps data.

When I add them all at once, it works flawless.

Not a real issue, but after the error I clicked “discard” and added the files again. It still showed me the error, which might be a little bit confusing (only difference to pic 1 is the processing in the right upper corner). After a few minutes while processing the error messages disappeared.

I was using the 4.4.1

Thanks for letting us know! To confirm: selecting one of these files initially on the starting screen works well, but adding one of these same videos through the “Add more files” button gives you the “No GPS data found in the given sources” error? Do these video files have a separate gpx file?

Hey @nikola that’s correct. There is no seperate .gpx file only an extra .LRV file.

OK, can you please contact us at to share some example videos so we can debug this thoroughly? Thanks!