Mapillary Desktop Uploader 4.5.0 is out now, with new editing features!

Hi all! We’d like to announce a new update for the Mapillary Desktop Uploader. You can download it from Desktop Uploader and your installed app should also automatically update to the new version from today.

What’s new in 4.5.0

First of all, you’ll notice the new settings button on the main screen. To try out the new editing features from this version, you’ll want to turn off automatic upload if you have previously enabled it.

Removing files

After seeing your videos and images on the map before upload, you might decide to not upload some of them. Now you can remove files using a few different options:

  • you can remove the selected image by using the new button in the top right corner of the map
  • you can remove a video using the new “Remove” option in the video dropdown or in the modal that opens up when you click on the video marker on the map

You can always use the “Undo” button to undo this action and bring back the removed files to your upload session.

Moving images

Sometimes images positions are a bit off due to GPS inaccuracy. You can now move images by dragging them on the map. The “Undo” button also works here to return the image to its previous position.

We’d love your feedback on the new features and welcome ideas for improving and expanding them. Help us identify scenarios where editing can help and improve your upload experience.

Thank you!


Dear @nikola ,

Have added some off the cuff remarks on past night / this morning’s experience under Win10 at Desktop-Uploader: What about extending the features by adjusting gps position and photo direction before uploading

Have now downloaded and installed three times.

Met als immer vriendelijke groet (Dutch for ‘with as ever friendly greeting’),

Does not work for me, I have already sent an error message. Can I reinstall the last version somewhere?


Sure, you can use the previous version from here: while we fix the issue you reported. Thanks for letting us know!
In case if your upload doesn’t work with the previous version either, try splitting your upload into two folders and uploading them in separate upload sessions.


Splitting does not help.

Dear @nikola ,
Thank you for the link to the 441 version, has been downloaded & run, it opened an instance, but didn’t install the DU.
Then installed Python 3.13 - which does show up in the recently added software list, while Mapillary DU doesn’t - and the Command Line tools, used to upload the pics which are now in the ‘map data processing’ stage.
Looking forward,

The desktop uploader should install itself in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\mapillary-desktop-uploader folder by default, can you please check if it is there on your computer?

Mapillary desktop uploader 4.5.1. is out now and fixes the mentioned issue with uploading a lot of images in one session. Please drag-and-drop the folders you want to upload again instead of going through the upload history for the affected uploads. Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience!

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After clicking on an image, it shows incorrect heading for the orange thing:

May be related, but preview says “compass angle” is not available. All images have “GPSImgDirection” EXIF tag set. (There is no tooltip or documentation to explain what this is expecting.)

no angle

Mouseovering an image (without clicking) and then moving it along other images keeps the indicator on the first image, but will move whatever is under it if clicked/dragged:

Dragging has no threshold, so if the mouse moves even 1 pixel during the click, this changes the image coordinate.

Dragging image does not update the previewed EXIF data.

Dragging an image has a 2 second delay (with 40K images) before the UI is responsive again. This makes adjusting many images along some misaligned location largely impractical.

Also, please let me toggle/disable this feature. I don’t want to accidentally move images when I’m spot-checking and have no intention of “editing” anything. Especially since window panning is the same mouse button.

Thanks for your feedback! We’re working on fixing these issues in the next update.

I was also frustrated by the problem of Mapillary Desktop Uploader 4.5.0 and 4.5.1 not working.
However, downgrading to 4.4.1 seems to have resolved the issue.

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Can you please send your logs from the uploader to our support email at so we can look into and fix the issue you’ve experienced? Thanks!

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Even using 4.4.1, the upload failed again.
I have copied the entire Mapillary log, including that log, below. Please feel free to have a look.Dropbox

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@potaro67v Thank you! Looks like there might be an issue with the video you’re trying to upload. Can you share the video with us so we can debug the issue?

After I often have problems recording GPS signals with my Gopro Hero 8, I wanted to use the function of the new desktop uploader to load the GPS track separately. My question is which GPX data does Mapillary actually use?

<ele> xsd:decimal </ele>                     <!-- Höhe in m -->
<time> xsd:dateTime </time>                  <!-- Datum und Zeit (UTC/Zulu) in ISO 8601 Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ -->
<magvar> degreesType </magvar>               <!-- Deklination / magnetische Missweisung vor Ort in Grad -->
<geoidheight> xsd:decimal </geoidheight>     <!-- Höhe bezogen auf Geoid -->
<name> xsd:string </name>                    <!-- Eigenname des Elements -->
<cmt> xsd:string </cmt>                      <!-- Kommentar -->
<desc> xsd:string </desc>                    <!-- Elementbeschreibung -->
<src> xsd:string </src>                      <!-- Datenquelle/Ursprung -->
<link> linkType </link>                      <!-- Link zu weiterführenden Infos -->
<sym> xsd:string </sym>                      <!-- Darstellungssymbol -->
<type> xsd:string </type>                    <!-- Klassifikation -->
<fix> fixType </fix>                         <!-- Art der Positionsfeststellung: none, 2d, 3d, dgps, pps -->
<sat> xsd:nonNegativeInteger </sat>          <!-- Anzahl der zur Positionsberechnung herangezogenen Satelliten -->
<hdop> xsd:decimal </hdop>                   <!-- HDOP: Horizontale Streuung der Positionsangabe -->
<vdop> xsd:decimal </vdop>                   <!-- VDOP: Vertikale Streuung der Positionsangabe -->
<pdop> xsd:decimal </pdop>                   <!-- PDOP: Streuung der Positionsangabe -->
<ageofdgpsdata> xsd:decimal </ageofdgpsdata> <!-- Sekunden zwischen letztem DGPS-Empfang und Positionsberechnung -->
<dgpsid> dgpsStationType:integer </dgpsid>   <!-- ID der verwendeten DGPS Station -->
<extensions> extensionsType </extensions> 

We use latitude, longitude, elevation and timestamps from the GPX file and we use gpxpy (gpxpy · PyPI) for parsing the data.

So the height is also needed. I’m currently working on a converter that converts a csv export from the ODBFusion Car APP into gpx. I have already run through the data and have found that the GPS recording obtained in this way is not necessarily better than a recording using the SIGMA ROX cycle computer. The question arises for me whether the route via ODB Fusion is not a dead end for me. I’ll see.

I haven’t yet managed to understand the new function of the desktop uploader for aligning the GPX track. Is there perhaps a video guide for this, that would be very helpful.

There are still some people, especially those uploading hundreds of images, which have trouble with duplicate sequences after upload when using “Retry upload”. See Duplicates shown on my profile when doing reload - Mapillary uploader 4.5.1 - #12 by Hol_Ger.

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A new release of the uploader is out now: Mapillary Desktop Uploader 4.6.0 is out now which fixes the editing, uploading and duplicate issues. Please update and try it out. Thanks for your help and sorry for the inconvenience!