Hi! We’d like to announce a new update for the Mapillary Desktop Uploader. You can download it from Desktop Uploader and your installed app should also automatically update to the new version from today.
What’s new in 4.6.0
Bug fixes
Fixed issues with uploading files and folders with unicode characters
Fixed the compass angle on the active image marker and in the EXIF viewer
Fixed duplicate detection so uploaded files will not be uploaded again (if enabled in the settings)
Fixed issues while dragging images on the map
Videos can now be selected by clicking on their lines on the map
Reduced app size by 30% to improve download, install and update speed
Added a link to your captures in the header
Added labels to buttons on the map
Thank you for your feedback and help with debugging issues!
The “easy to accidentally move image after click” has changed into “always moves image after click”. Basically, any image I click gets moved, even if the mouse cursor didn’t move a single pixel. The more zoomed out the map, the bigger the shift.
Hi!! Just a quick question. With the new version of desktop uploader 4.6.0, when loading MP4 videos, if during the loading phase you realize that the track is not exactly correct (for reasons attributable to the precision of the camera’s GPS) you can correct it on the fly with a click and drag on the map ?
@HellPhoto We’ll be adding a way to toggle editing in an upcoming UI update. @protezionecivilefvgr We have editing for images only right now but we’re looking into making video tracks also editable in the future.
Thank you! It would be great if you could start including unique issue numbers on GitHub for each release, so it’s clear which issues have been addressed.
One feature I would like to see is an optional automatically retried upload. Often I have started an upload and left it alone. When coming back hours later the upload has stopped after only a few out of many sequences due to an error and I had to manually select “Retry upload”. So hours are kind of lost.
Another function I miss is that the “Filter imagery” dialog filters captures in the right sidebar too:
Thank you for these feature requests folks! We will consider them for the backlog. @Hol_Ger - for filtering imagery, it should be filtered in the map view. Do you see it filtered there? Are you also expecting it to filter your list of captures in the right sidebar?
Yes, this is what I mean. It would be very convenient. I know It is already filtered in the map view, but then you have to zoom into the map and zoom and zoom until the nodes get visible to select one to go to the sequence. Also when zoomed into a part of the map where a filter does not find captures you have to zoom out first to see the filtered captures and then zoom in again and again and again until …
And my list of captures gets longer and longer and scrolling to a specific date or date range has become impossible.
Some foreword about my usage: This is a desktop tool. So I use it for workflows that are desktop-related. If I want to upload a folder, I’d use mapillary-tools. That said, I found the following rough edges:
500 pics limit: I manually selected multiple single photos from a larger picture folder in a file manager and drag those that are useful street photos it into mapillary desktop. So now if I have painstakingly selected ~ 700 images, and try to drag them in, I get an error message. Now I have to try to unselect ~200 images. Or, as selections in the file manager are fragile, maybe the selection is already lost, and I have to do the same work again The recommendation to use folders is not helpful, because, as I said, if I had folders with for-mapillary-photos only, I’d just use the mapillary-tools-CLI.
Is there any real reason for the 500 pics limit except available memory?
500 pics limit: if there are already pics loaded, and I dragged in others, the limit was ignored for some reason. But I got some XML errors. I’ll write more details if I experience it again.
re-orient: I pressed the button erroneously. There was no way to undo this. Except discarding the project, because I didn’t want to risk wrong directions. I’d guess it is better to upload photos without a direction and hope for the processing, than to upload one with wrongly interpolated?
Upload: During upload the app is blocked. I would expect that I can work on the next batch already, while the current one is uploading
You encounter the file limit in the file picker dialog? It could be a system limit, which OS are you on?
I think interpolation would not interfere with our processing, even it was applied to an upload that didn’t need it. We also calculate the direction during processing so the direction isn’t a requirement before upload.
The idea about uploading in the background sounds interesting and we’ll look into it, thanks!
Mir steht an sich ein synchroner Internetzugang mit hoher Upload Kapazität zur Verfügung, derselbe Internetzugang bedient im Haus auch mehrere Büroarbeitsplätze. Der Betreiber möchte nun, verhindern dass Mitarbeiter innen während ihrer Arbeitszeit in Facebook posten. Daher sind IP Kreise, welche Facebook nutzt, gesperrt, so leider auch jene welche der Mapillary Desktop Uploader nutzt. Verwende ich ein VPN so ist die Upload-Bandbreite durch dieses Service limitiert. Gibt es für den Desktop Uploader alternative IP Kreise?
I’ve been using this quite a bit lately. Found some old dashcam + some others from last year that I’ve been uploading along with my recent trip. I haven’t ran into any issues so far. Thank you.
A minor gripe I discovered: I like to use the auto-upload once processed feature, for some sequenced that I know won’t require further tweaking.
However gopro gps data has been flaky lately, and when I wanted to disable this option with a sequence already processed - I found out that I couldn’t, since the Options screen is not one that can be accessed from the window topbar, but only the main screen.
This might require a UI rewrite to change (eg moving options into the topbar, say as a pop up), so feel free to ignore
Ich habe lange mit GoPro GPS Unzulänglichkeiten gekämpft, und letztlich das Handtuch geworfen.
Mein neues Setting: Insta 360 mit GPS Remote.
Einziger Kritikpunkt, Langstreckenfahrten dürften an der bei der Insta 360 für eine GPX Ausgabe zwingend erforderlichen Einstellung Videoaufnahme, an der Datenmenge scheitern. Aber seht Euch das Ergebnis in Kombination mit dem neuen Mapillary Desktop Uploader selbst an: Mapillary
I struggled with GoPro GPS deficiencies for a long time and finally threw in the towel.
My new setting: Insta 360 with GPS remote.
The only criticism is that long-distance journeys are likely to fail due to the video recording setting required for GPX output on the Insta 360 and the amount of data. But take a look at the result in combination with the new Mapillary Desktop Uploader for yourself: Mapillary
I don’t like the Insta360 ecosystem enough to start investing into it from scratch after having 5+ gopros. Also don’t use video mode for my sequences.
Assume you have an Insta 360 X/X2, judging by the resolution - it would be too low for me, not enough detail