New Desktop Uploader

After many selects, I just uploaded 23000 pictures with the web uploader in one go.
Is that a record ?

it might just be. considering the bugs in the desktop uploader, having no artificial limit for the web uploader is welcome

Thanks for the response @Brenna. Is there any ETA for this fix? I’m still sitting on >70 GB of photos to be uploaded. Using the web uploader is not feasible since it is inconvenient for already processed images, very slow and resource hungry compared to mapillary_tools.

I think Mapillary could not swallow it. These pictures from january 2 are only visible when you navigate to them from other sequences. I think about uploading the backup dashcam videos.

The processing of the pictures from two days ago seems stopped.

Hi everyone, I’m updating threads about this so please let me know if you have any further issues or questions:

Users having issues with the uploader will need to:

  • wait for the uploader to auto-update to v1.2.2
  • reprocess imagery by manually deleting the .mapillary folder created in the import path

Users having issues with _tools will need to:

  • get the latest tools binary (or update to the latest master)
  • mapillary_tools authenticate --advanced (reauthorize)
  • re-process imagery by manually deleting the .mapillary folder created in the import path or using --rerun



When may we start complaining again ? I mean, “when should the web uploaded images be fully visible ?”

I loaded about 50,000 in the last couple of days and all but 3,000 are already visible

@filipc @tastrax When did you upload the imagery that’s not showing as of now? I’ll try to see what sort of timeframe the devs are advising. Thanks!

I am not too fussed if it takes a while - they appear to be getting there slowly. I started loading them on the 8th and 9th

All is nice and dandy now. Up to the next crisis.
Of course it can never be quick enough.

Maybe I repeat … The desktop bootloader (1.2.4) does not approve of some photos 969/999 (-30). The browser loader has approved everything. Why is that?

For me Desktop Uploader has rejected images for two reasons so far:

  1. Two consecutive pictures have the same GPS coordinates. Valid at a stop but rarely my camera app or phone seems to not acquire a new position and assigns the previous one to the next picture. I use Geosetter to correct that.
  2. Something with the exif thumbnail bothers the uploader. You can remove the offending thumbnail with exiftool: exiftool -thumbnailimage= IMG_nnn.jpg

Dear Brenna, not sure that deleting the .mapillary folder would be wise : found that several hundred pics from a sequence weren’t shown while the rest was; after like three or four days tried as good as I could to pick the ‘missed’ pics for re-upload, but apparently included one which had been processed already.

Would you like to hear Mapillary’s message? Sounded like teacher would address a pupil who’d cheated : ‘now please tear up the work you’ve done, and start all over again, this time be careful to avoid including even one duplicate’ is what it sounded like.

Have so far ignored the button to delete, as I flatly refuse to do a third upload of a road which was recently converted to a one-way for cars, and a wide both ways cyclestreet.

In my humble opinion, an other reply could have sounded like "sorry, we goofed, some pics got mislaid, thank you for taking the trouble to pick the missing couple hundred pics, we spotted one duplicate, which we’ll discard. "

Which approach would be most conduicive to retaining the contributor - in Mapillary’s opinion, please?

As an aside, if I were trying to inflate the number of pics, uploading the daily ride to the shops or where ever around town would inflate number of pics posted far more effectively than that one pic here, or a few score there - well, it would in my mind.

Looking forward, met als immer vriendelijke groet (with, as ever, friendely greeting),