I have managed to make requests from Postman to the API, altough I believe, as Mapillary’s OAuth flow is too different from a regular OAuth 2.0 one, Postman’s utilities for OAuth just don’t really work with it.
The error on the auth page you’re getting probably somehow relates to the authorization URL Postman’s generated, which, as by the OAuth standard, also including response type and redirect URI in the query params. Mapillary altough expects you to use the auth URL it supplies in the dev portal, which only contains your app id.
These kinds of oddities stretch throughout Mapillary’s entire OAuth flow and probably are the reason for your troubles.
I would reccomend for you to first just try getting the auth token and sending requests using that without setting any settings on your collection, just manually putting in your OAuth things into every request’s settings.
If you need any more help, I’d love to try; Hit me up with a direct message, if so.
Also, did you ever manage to get OAuth working in Postman? Checked a few threads and seems like there are a number of people with same/similar issues but no resolution found.
Yes, that should work (it looks like trekviewhq doesn’t exist so try with another username to see results). You can always use the “client token” from https://www.mapillary.com/dashboard/developers for accessing the Mapillary API instead of going through oauth.