OAuth access token

Trying to follow Getting access token for uploads in v4 a
curl https://graph.mapillary.com/token
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-H “Authorization: OAuth CLIENT_SECRET” \ from dev console
“grant_type”: “authorization_code”,
“code”: “LONG_AUTHORIZATION_CODE”, \from url redriects
“client_id”: 1234

and am getting. Any idea how to debug?
{“error”:{“message”:“Invalid OAuth access token - Cannot parse access token”,“type”:“OAuthException”,“code”:190,“fbtrace_id”:“AXwX6YzoYvSrpS_1Y1lUyZG”}}

LONG_AUTHORIZATION_CODE was correctly returned but now the final step fails.
Feels slightly overcomplicated?

Hi! I think there’s two things:

“client_id” - it should be the “Client ID” from your app in the dev console (https://www.mapillary.com/dashboard/developers)

-H “Authorization: OAuth CLIENT_SECRET” should be the “Client secret” from the dev console.

yeah, i did not post these here but as the comment says i used dev console ones.
What else can i try?

curl https://graph.mapillary.com/token
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-H “Authorization: OAuth CLIENT_SECRET” \ from dev console
“grant_type”: “authorization_code”,
“code”: “LONG_AUTHORIZATION_CODE”, \from url redirects
“client_id”: 1234 \ from dev console

Is there a support i can contact? Out of ideas

Finally managed with postman. Could have been less painful … no idea why curl did not work

Could you explain to me how you did it? I also cant figure it out