LG 360 experience

On Android 13, the app still runs but it will not connect properly anymore.
Background: The app uses Bluetooth Low Energy to turn on the Wifi, and then connects.
Likely, somwhere in this process there is some behaviour that changed for Android 13.


  • Double-Press Power and Shutter button both. This will make the LEDs flash blue for a short time and enable the Wifi.
  • Connect wifi using the normal Android wifi dialoge
  • The app will now connect.

As this is getting more complicated with time, has someone found a suitable replacement app?

Ahhh the LG360, my first 360 camera… still got one of those too lying around the office… (if any one wants to start “playing around” with 360 images, it’s a good cheap start…)

If you’re interested contact me via telegram or skype (username: eesger)

I’ll have to wait for better weather conditioins before I make my first 360 upload..
