No matter how many images I upload, the app always says “0 images” and “0 feet”
I’m using the 2024.03.22-6.2.37 version of the app
No matter how many images I upload, the app always says “0 images” and “0 feet”
I’m using the 2024.03.22-6.2.37 version of the app
Thank you for reporting. It looks like there is some issue with fetching the data for your profile. I managed to find you on the Leaderboard in the app and there it’s displayed correctly (22.3k images, 102 km), so it looks like the bug is present only on your personal profile view, not your public profile.
Do you have your captures displayed on the profile page? Did you notice something else off?
What I’ve noticed is that on the leaderboard your username is 6b17d8c50e264a46, can you check what is your username on the web and try changing it and restarting the app after that?