Android App on F-Droid

I’m wondering if there are any plans to offer the app on F-Droid as well - I understand it’s open source and there should be no licence restrictions (I might be wrong though). Is there any other reasoning why not offering it on F-Droid (I really would like to start using it, but I’m not using the Google Play store and I’m hesitate to manually update to new versions). Any comments welcome!

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I would also very much like to see mapillary on F-Droid, having something related to openstreetmap require downloading from the play store doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the app.

i have old android phone with the play store installed so i download it on that phone and then use the apk extractor app to get the apk. i think there are some sites that will extract the apk from the web but im not sure how legit they are.

either way its a lot of hassle so i would like to see mapillary on the fdroid store too

This would be really great to have Mapillary Android on F-Droid. A pre-requisite is obviously that the app is open source - but then it should be rather straightforward to get it added to F-Droid and allowing people with Google-free smartphones to participate as well.

Are there any plans to make the app available as open source; does anyone know more about it?