Android app for Kindle devices

I’ve got an old Kindle Fire here that I was planning to stick to my side window when I head on a long journey on Monday (my phone will be capturing the forwards direction), but the Mapillary app isn’t on the Amazon app store.

Is there any chance you could add it there, or add a direct link to the APK somewhere so we can sideload it onto devices that don’t have the Google Play store?

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Hi @david-song,

The latest APK can be found here.

You can find the links to the latest APK and past releases in the footer of

All the best with the journey and share some pics back here when you return :smiley:


Thanks! For some reason I couldn’t find that so I sideloaded the Play Store.

I couldn’t get the OSM login thing working before I set off though so didn’t get those side views (imo magic links ala Slack are underrated). I ran out of space on my phone after 10k images and then set to low quality (bug here) and had did get EE to upgrade my data allowance to 100GB (for £21/month for the remaining three months, not bad at all). More fun along the journey includes me getting stuck in sand on a camp site, and the last track is of my car overheating while on a toll bridge and capturing everyone overtaking me while I’m rolling along to the exit to avoid a tow charge! I’ll post links once they’ve been processed.

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I had forgotten that. I searched the github without finding.

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Unfortunately, this URL does not work anymore. @eneerhut Where can non‑Google customers get the new Mapillary app, like a (fat) APK for side loading?

I would like to use it mainly for viewing Mapillary because accessing the web app using my smartphone’s integrated browser does not work. It gets stuck on the accept cookies dialog. Initially, I thought that the browser may be too old or something but OsmAnd uses the exact same WebView component as the browser to display online imagery in the proximity of examined objects. And, it works splendidly. @nikola So, I guess you may want to see what is wrong with the cookies dialog.

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Which OS (version) and browser (version) are you using?

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Mobile Safari/537.36

It is a bit dated but it should work. No matter which cookie option I choose it just displays the same dialog again. :frowning_face: And yes, cookies are enabled. :wink:
:thinking: The page/browser does not produce logcat messages, sorry. :man_shrugging: Switching to desktop mode does not help either.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a device to test this on but I think this version is not on the Angular supported browsers list (Angular) so it’s unlikely our web apps would work there.

We don’t officially release an APK outside of the Play Store, but there are 3rd parties that make the apk available. Unfortunately we can’t guarantee the safety or functionality on non-Google devices at the moment.

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Yeah, I tried it in a sandbox first. Having to deal with this kind of downloads does not really put my mind at ease. Things could be more reassuring if you would at least publish some APK hashes with every release. Or better yet, publish direct download links (with hashes).

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