Telling folks what I do

This begs a question. I’d like to be able to hand out single sheet promo docs. Is there a current PDF somewhere I could print? I am asked at least once a week what I am doing.

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Ya, well. I think Im done mapping.
I have no vehicle.

On my bike I wear safety working clothes and shoes.
People start complaining to me because they think I am a municipality worker.

I have other uniforms also, that is the effect of a uniform.



I’m Eesger Toering, have my own IT company (for 20 years now) and in my search for “Google alternatives” I stumbled upon OSM about a decade ago. Now I never use GMaps anymore. Last year I discovered Mapillary and bought a second hand LG360 and did some testing… I got more confident and have now bought a YI360. My plan is to make my home village the first village in The Netherlands (maybe the world?) that can show you every road, every bicycle path, every footpath (and more) in Mapillary. More complete that G-Streetview…

And then (maybe a bit sooner ;), then I’m going to work on a project to implement Mapillary, with OSM, with historic data of my village and create a platform where you can travel through time in my village!

Don’t expect results tomorrow… working on getting funding (need to pay for the mortgage also you know…) and finding the time to create this… but I’ll get there…


I’ve actually had a few people ask me why I haven’t been mapping lately, so I guess more people noticed than spoke to me about it.

The reason, by the way, is that the weather hasn’t been right. I don’t go out when the temperatures are predicted to rise to 80F (27C) or higher because they increase the likelihood of the camera overheating and shutting down the GPS. Those days also tend to be hazy, and I like the overall pictures to look nice, not just the road signs.

I may have mentioned this before, but I had a local deputy sheriff follow me at a distance some time ago. He later told me that he was just preventing tailgaters from following me and messing up the rear imagery.

That was nice of him. But I get very little tailgating when the camera is mounted. Whether that’s because people know what I’m doing and don’t want to interfere, or because they’re paranoid and don’t want to be photographed, I can’t say. :thinking: