Processing now runs fine, several series have been uploaded, and are soon after visible in the OSM iD editor with the M. layer switched on. (Had, before uploading, looked at large thumbnails to weed out clearly blurred images, ‘undesirables’, and duplicates.)
One issue remains : regularly past day, either the USERname is ‘unrecognized’, or the email is ‘not valid’, even though they’re copy/pasted from a .txt document in Notepad++, and were correct earlier on.
User name and email are correct, as I’d first typed the entries in Notepad++, then copy/pasted when setting up; and email from Mapillary arrives at the address, occasionally includes the user name.
Causes are listed as:
1/ HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url|567515…
2/ {“error”:{“message”:“Param email is not a valid email address”,“type”:“MLYApiException”,“code”:100,“fbtrace_id”:“AF5MPR…”}}
There is one confession : have earlier today authenticated another -more energy efficient- 2in1 for my processing and uploading, deleted two credentials from the previous ‘test machine’ - they were in C:\Users\username.config\mapillary\configs\ , going by dates, one was the CLI, the other the old DU.
Next, set up the ‘test machine’ for another u/n, e-m and p/w : could it be that removing user from one computer to another , then authenticating another user on that test machine - both on the same IP-address - upsets something?
Would it be a problem if that second machine remained connected to my address, as I have virtually unlimited upload volume?
Looking forward,
= = =
Edit 25aug : same ‘refusal’ this morning, after reboot.
= = =
Edit 26 Aug. : this time 'round the uploads worked, one finished early in the morning, the other in the midle of the afternoon.
Hence seems swapping machines wasn’t the cause, instead looks like -somehwere on the road between Mapillary and facebook- user authentication didn’t complete.
@eneerhut : you seem the most likely candidate to mention, as -in your capacity as Program Manager at Facebook Reality Labs- you’d be best placed to know whom to delegate this to?
Met als immer vriendelijke groet,