I just got to try my GoPro Max out today.
I have no trouble taking 360 time lapse photos. My next step is to use the GoPro app to download them onto my phone. Then use a browser (I’ve used both Chrome and Samsung’s browser) to access the Mapillary web uploader.
The web uploader will let me select images. It will let me see their exact positions on the map.
The images lack direction/compass exif data, but that it’s not strictly required to upload. I plan to “normalize sequence” later.
The web uploader will let me upload every image, and will let me hit “publish” at the end.
HOWEVER, images from my GoPro max will never show up in my list of uploads, nor in my feed as images being processed.
What is happening, here? Anyone know what might cause Mapillary to outright reject GoPro Max 360° images?
I’ve ruled out the possibility that the web uploader is simply broken right now, and that the lack of direction info is causing this, by successfully uploading OpenCamera photos without exif compass info just now.
As for alternatives: I don’t have a desktop computer, so I can’t use the Desktop uploader nor mapillary_tools.
I did have an older version of mapillary_tools running on my phone with Termux. With this, I was able to process, but not upload, about 30 photos. When I used the web uploader on those processed photos, they turned out fine. Trying to install the latest update to mapillary_tools has ruined my ability to use the program altogether (there’s zero official support for Android/Termux).