So much driving, so many photos

Over Christmas and New Years I was able to drive back Minnesota and North Dakota to visit friends and family.

One thing I noticed is it seems the Blacvue dash cam cranks out a lot more images than my gopro 11 set at 2 pics / sec.

Curious to see what some AI may be able to do to help get data out of these images.

Also depends on the firmware and settings. The BlackVue I have samples at 2 pics/second, but can also do 5. That using the Mapillary supplied firmware. The mapillary_tools method also a variable. Pretty sure the direct mp4 upload will server create the entire stream (eg 30 pics/sec) but local preprocessing allows a lower rate.

Uploading the raw mp4 video should sample on the server to 1 image every 3 meters or so, so that is generally pretty good.