My account is automatically using an avatar from another social media account. As the sign up requires typed data rather that a ‘sign in using…’ option, how does this forum know what avatar I use?
Is there a way to deselect a node once it’s been clicked on? if a selected node’s route is outside the dates set within the filters options it is still displayed.
After a filter date has been set the calendar can’t be redisplayed without first resetting the date. When the date is clicked on again it should show the calender. It’s irritating to have to click repeated through all the months back to 2014 or earlier.
Is there a way to filter out users? Other websites allow the negative sign (-) prefixing the user name to be used to do this but doesn’t work in mapillary.
Thanks for the UI suggestions regarding filtering. I’ve passed them onto our design team so they can see how they would fit in when the next redesign takes place.
The UI today doesn’t give you a way to deselect a node but you can “hack it” in the URL by removing the part of the string that indicates the image key: &pKey=539yCivGxkQYHDmLYWt5iQ
Good points about being able to click on the Date again to get the calendar to pop up, and that it’s not so obvious you can click on the month and year to access drop-down menus. Will make sure our design department gets the feedback.
You’re correct, there are no “minus” filters on Mapillary today.