Mapillary for Android 5.16

Mapillary for Android 5.16

Full version name is 2023.10.20-5.16.60.


With the goal of making app lighter, faster and more stable we moved a few new screens: Profile and Leaderboards. Just wait what will be in the next release :slight_smile:


New designs:

  • Profile
  • Leaderboards


  • User uploads caching
  • User profile caching


Thanks everyone for helping with the issues in Open Testing.

Your feedback is much appreciated, please share if you have any ideas or, hopefully not, crashes or misbehaviour.

Best Regards, Yaro.



Mapillary for Android (2023.10.20-5.16.60) captures photos even when not moving.

Please fix.

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cc: @Yaro , @jvujnovic

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Hi @IreuN we will take a look on what can be the reason.

BR, Yaro

@IreuN thank you for reporting the issue. We have performed a testing of this issue and discovered that the reason of the photo capture when the phone is still happens only in the area where GPS is bad (often happens when driving).

The corner case might be also a significant shake of the phone (hard enough and fast), which can cause accelerometer to go crazy.

@IreuN could you provide more details of the issue to be sure that’s the case.

BR, Yaro