Mapillary Desktop Uploader 4.3.0

New version of Mapillary Desktop Uploader is out today, here’s what’s included in this update:

  • Improved video support: added options to play video and open folder from the app
  • Added a “What’s new” section to improve visibility of new features and improvements
  • Upgraded to ExifTool 12.78 for improved camera support
  • Fixed missing upload file size in upload history

The latest versions of DU have been randomly producing this error sometimes failing after some random amount of image files.

images err

images err det

Log says that:

[2024-04-24 11:31:25.928] [debug] [mapillary:tools] 2024-04-24 11:31:25,928 - WARNING - 	    19215 image(s) skipped due to MapillaryEXIFNotFoundError

The only error before is:

[2024-04-24 11:31:02.220] [debug] [exiftool] process exit code 3221225477 and signal null
[2024-04-24 11:31:02.224] [error] [vue] {
  code: 3221225477,
  message: 'exit with code 3221225477 and signal null'

which looks like access violation code, but there’s no other output error given. And I guess further processing ignores that exiftool exits with an error.

I am not sure what part here is the problem and where to report. It sounds like exiftool. But there’s no debug info/stack trace.

Thanks for letting us know! We’ll look into it and update to latest ExifTool version in next update.

I don’t know where to post feature requests for DU since there’s no public repository, so posting here.

In short, could we get an optional speed limit for uploading?

While most users predominantly use download traffic, Mapillary of course uses upload. This is not something that ISPs handle very well and they often limit and throttle it. This may not affect most people, especially if they don’t upload a lot or they are located close to Facebook servers. But, for example, my uploads can take literal days and during this time DU can hog so much traffic that I saturate my bandwidth and other network-using applications start lagging or stop working. I think my ISP also starts throttling me at some point. Continuous uploads at the limit of the connection can cause my modem to basically die.

I know there are solutions like NetLimiter, but they are either really bad or not free. Most software that handles heavy traffic like P2P clients have download/upload speed limits.

Can we expect a Mapillary Desktop Uploader for Win 8+ 32bits?

Unfortunately, we had to discontinue support for 32bit Windows a few years ago due to updates in our build systems and dependencies. You can still try using the last 32bit version we released at but we won’t be able to provide new updates.

Thank you.
I still use 32 bit uploader for Gopro 7 photos.and works fine ( a little bit slow…)
My present problem is to upload GoPro Max photos / videos.

My SO is Win 10 32bits both in laptop and desktop

I’ m trying to upload using command line, but without success.

See what I got:

I was debugging network issues and I realized that upload processes started from Desktop Uploader do not necessarily stop running when you click cancel or even exit the application. I am not sure of the exact conditions - but I suddenly realized there were four separate instances running in parallel.

mpt still running

Since I was stopping and starting the same batch, then these ended up uploading a ton of duplicates over 2 days before I noticed this.

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Thanks for reporting! We’ll look into making sure cancelling/closing reliably cleans up upload processes correctly in an upcoming release.

While I like using the Windows 10 Desktop Uploader 4.3.0 it seems to process all my photos as 360 degree format when they aren’t. Rolling over the photos shows that the correct original photo, but clicking on the point (always a 360 format point) shows a horrible 360 degree rendering of a photo that is perhaps 150 degrees according to the image indicator. See image id 116596534670373. Its also confused as to who took the photo. I uploaded the photo as iragersh and when I open the photo it belongs to iragersh1.

I believe the unintended 360 degree format is an issue that has been discussed before, see Unwanted 360 degree photo's - #2 by eesger thus I’d recommend checking aspect ratio of your image.

Will check it out. I looked for a relevant topic but did not find one. I have not mucked with the images. They come straight out of open camera. I know I’m not using the highest resolution.

Hi Ira,

Yes, that’s likely the culprit. When choosing your resolution in Open Camera you should ideally choose the highest one. If not the highest, choose one that is 4:3 aspect ratio. If you choose 2:1 you will be inadvertently cropping the photo (not using your full phone photo sensor) and sending a signal to Mapillary that this is a 360 photo (which are aspect ratio 2:1)

I’m dubious. On 6/22/2024 took photos on governors island at one resolution. Some were translated straight and others as 360. Will start using 800x600 and see what happens.

Feature request: Option to remove a video from upload queue

It would be most convenient, if a “Remove Video from Queue” option/feature could be added to the “…” per-video drop-down menu.

Sometimes when I prepare a upload I accidentally add a video that I do not what to upload (e.g. part of the trip to/from work that I have already uploaded too many times recently). Currently the only solution seems to be to cancel the whole upload, and start over; and this can be time consuming when attempting to only upload the “interesting” dash-cam videos from the last few days, especially when larger set like 40+ videos of 350 (for a overnight upload).

Great idea @brunofilmklov - we have this on our backlog for the desktop uploader! Great minds think alike :slight_smile: