I’m new to Mapillary, so apologies if this is a stupid question. I have been trying out the API (v4) following this documentation, and everything works provided I use the example bounding boxes (which cover an area of Malmö in Sweden). However when I change the bounding boxes to another area, I don’t get any results.
For example, this returns image ids:
GET https://graph.mapillary.com/images?access_token=$TOKEN&fields=id&bbox=12.967,55.597,13.008,55.607
but this doesn’t:
GET https://graph.mapillary.com/images?access_token=$TOKEN&fields=id&bbox=36.792,-1.322,36.797,-1.327
I have checked on the web app, and there should be imagery in that second bounding box. The same thing happens when I try to use this code posted elsewhere on this forum, that others seem to have had success with. I get everything in Malmö, but nothing in the second bbox.
So my question is - do I not have access to imagery/detections outside of Malmö? If so, is there a way to get access?
Would really appreciate any help on this. Thanks in advance!