Map features API and values filter

Hi all,

The API documentation says that it’s possible to filter searched map features using the “values” parameter:
values : Filter map features by values. Values are groupped by layers. See the corresponding values for each layers.

But I’ve not seen anything about the syntax of this parameter. Is it a comma separated list? Moreover looks that wildcard works for exemple “values=object–traffic-light*” seems to return traffic lights of all categories.

Is there some documentation saying what’s possible with this param?


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Do you maybe know how would the wildcard look for everything containing “speed-limit”? I am guessing “speed-limit”…? Or is the first double-dashed part mandatory? eg: “regulatory” / “information” / “warning” / “complementary” / “object” / “construction” / “marking” / “nature” … (maybe there are more than this, notsure)

My (quite old) question concerned the v3 API. I haven’t work with the v4 and I don’t know how it works.
I suppose that, if wildcards still work, [asterisk]speed-limit[asterisk] would do the job.

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You can find all values for point and traffic sign features

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