Latest tracks in web app

is it possible to use a filter to display only the latest tracks?


Hi! You can use the filter popup to apply date filters to filter for recent uploads:


yes, i am aware of that. however, i can only limit a period of time. outside the period, everything falls out, no matter how old the recording is. i would like to have a slide switch like the one on your screenshot for 360 degree recordings. if i activate it, it only shows 360 degree recordings. a switch like this for only the most recent recordings, or another solution.

Do you mean that you want to see the latest capture in a particular area regardless of how old it is? So if an area has captures from 2019 and 2020 only you want to see the 2020 capture, and at the same time if an area has captures from 2022 and 2023 you want to see the 2023 capture?

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if there is only one track in the section, then it should be displayed. if there are two, three, four tracks or more, then the most current of the possible tracks should be displayed. but i just realized myself that this will probably not work, because then it would always have to be the same tracks. as soon as someone turns left instead of right, it no longer fits.

the more tracks there are on a street, the more confusing i find it. yes, you can use the filter, but it’s not really suitable for this, because you would first have to look at what you want to filter out. and so you filter out tracks that you actually want to see. simply because they match the filter you set.

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Gotcha, yes, the captures display can be a bit overwhelming. Thanks for this feature suggestion, we’ll add this to our backlog for something to look at in the future!

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@boris While we are at the topic of dates and timestamps on Mapillary; please finally render locale specific timestamps everywhere in the web app, especially in the sequence feed. This pseudo English time format is really annoying and confusing. :face_with_spiral_eyes: Filtering in ISO 8601 is fine and understandable but reading timestamps in pseudo English is annoying. Please also render the complete full precision timestamp in the … image details sub‑menu because :stopwatch: seconds and sub‑seconds sometimes do matter. I really appreciate the fact that the Mapillary Streets map layer and the rest of the website have finally been internationalized, while though with dumb AI, it is better than nothing. However, please put in some final effort to polish the map UI as well.

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Hi @GITNE, for timestamps in the web app I see things like “Jun 15, 2023” is this what you mean by “pesudo English”? I understand that we could localize this, but is there confusion about what date this represents?

Thanks for the request on seconds/subseconds

Also the website (with the exception of /app) and the mobile apps are now translated into 22 languages (by humans, not AI translation)

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… things like “Jun 15, 2023” is this what you mean by “pseudo English”?
[…] but is there confusion about what date this represents?

Right, confusion sometimes happens more with the time part of the format when quickly scrolling through the feed. For example, most of the world does not use AM/PM suffixes nor does “mix up” days and months but orders granularity from largest to smallest or vice versa. This situation becomes particularly annoying when you know that there is an easy fix for this in JavaScript. In other words, there is a built‑in function available that renders to locale specific timestamps with a simple parameter flag.

Thanks for the request on seconds/subseconds

:+1: I am not the first and only one to request this already long time ago. So, I guess many people would be happy to see it too.

Also the website (with the exception of /app) and the mobile apps are now translated into 22 languages (by humans, not AI translation)

Maybe not by AI directly but by humans using AI to do their job? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Since I have been in the business of software i18n and l10n for some years now, sometimes I can tell. Maybe some translators did their work without context, hence some messages read strange or make little sense? Anyway, overall the majority of messages look great. :+1:

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Gotcha, thank you - that makes sense! We’ll put this on the backlog (cc: @nikola).

In terms of translation, yes, sometimes the translators may not understand a lot about street level imagery and the context (though they shouldn’t be using AI for their job) - but glad to hear that the majority of the messages look great. :slight_smile:

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@GITNE - quick follow-up on this: thanks to your request the web app now displays timestamps in the local locale format. You can also now find precise seconds and milliseconds as well in the “Capture time” section of “Advanced” in Image details.

Thank you again for the suggestion and thanks @nikola for the implementation!


How do I have to interpret the filter icon ?
I see two mountains and a star in it.

@filipc - good point, I think it’s a bit unintuitive as well - we’ll look to update it.

What am I supposed to see in it ?

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I’m seeing the same thing you are :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’d guess to interpret it the same way.

@boris Please keep in mind that symbols are highly specific to a culture. Symbols can be very effective in quickly and efficiently transporting even complex concepts in one culture but can also be easily misinterpreted in others. The challenge in getting them right is as old as the written history of mankind.

Anyway, I have seen people use a funnel symbol for filters, which imho is not a good representation of a filter either and perhaps rather more misleading than helpful. The simplest filtering device known to mankind is a sieve. However, creating an unambiguous sieve symbol is very difficult. So, maybe sticking to localizable text is the only viable option?

Only recently, I think since it has been reintroduced by Android or Google, people used to amuse me when they referred to a menu symbol as the “hamburger button”, which is absolutely understandable.

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@nikola Thank you for updating the timestamp formatting of the current image. :+1:
However, I have noticed something off in the formatting of “Capture time”. It is actually not locale specific but NN:NN:NN.NNN for every locale. This should not be. The correct formatting of a Date object would be something like this:


Unfortunately, you cannot use timeStyle together with fractionalSecondDigits in the options parameter but since hour, minute, and second default to "numeric" you can define them explicitly with fractionalSecondDigits instead of timeStyle to get the intended result. :wink:

I have also noticed that there is something off with the timestamp formatting on images either. :thinking: Something tells me that the formatting is forced manually, which is not really a good thing to do, especially when it comes to the order of datums. Let the browser/user agent do its thing and better use dateStyle and timeStyle whenever possible. So, we should expect output on a Date object like this:


dateStyle:"medium" should be short enough in all locales for the current layout.

Update: we have updated the filter icon and the date formatting. Thanks @nikola !

If often travel in time.
I see that on that date of the picture the object was not there yet.
Would it not be easier to then just drag that date to the Start date field. Then, let me add one day in the calendar.
Or add two filter buttons