How long does it take for my uploaded 360 degree images to be available on Open Street Map?

I have uploaded a few images that are 360 degree images.

They have all appeared on the Mapillary app map in a browser.

But they have NOT appeared in OpenStreetMap either in a browser, or in JOSM.

On the OpenStreetMap website, I have chosen the Map Data options for Photo Overlays and chosen Mapillary.

And in JOSM I have loaded the Mapillary Images and Point Features layer.

As far as I know, those are the only things I should have to do to see the images from Mapillary.

It has only been a few hours. What is the expectation of when they should be available via Open Street View?

I’d like to test reorienting the images, and creating a walk through, and can’t do that until I can see them in OpenStreetMap.

Speaking as the JOSM dev, the default layer that is shown uses computed location information instead of the original location information. It is possible that the computed layer doesn’t yet have the images that you recently uploaded. You can try using the original locations by going to JOSM Preferences → Plugins → Mapillary and deselecting Use computed location information.

With that said, I don’t know what layer the iD editor is using (and have you enabled the Mapillary image layer in iD? I think so, but it is always good to check). If they are using the non-computed location information, it is possible that the public tiles for Mapillary images have not yet been regenerated where you uploaded images.


I have no experience with 360’s but upload Blackvue mp4’s and EXIF’d jpgs with the Mapillary tools CLI regularly.

In my long experience of use I have found that different Mapillary object types take a variable amount of time to be “fully visible”. Some of that will no doubt be backlog related and some scheduled functions. Some years ago it was also a lot slower to do anything (like 3-4 weeks to imagery) and there has been a marked speed jump only in the last few months. Nowadays I assume at 24-72hrs is needed to get to OSM ID imagery.

I have never seen any server status information published that might help, but yes the Mapillary GUI seem to be the first available, even showing processing in progress. I have in the past however seen the OSM ID Mapillary image overlay appear even before the GUI. The slow ones for me have been other detected objects like road signs. By the time I might get to use them in my OSM travels I have already moved on. The upshot being that I never update OSM speed signs and/or ways.

Thanks @bob3bob3 and @vorpalblade-kaart .

It was indeed a case of just waiting a couple of days.

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