Desktop uploader disaster

The latest version hardly works.

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I uploaded about 16,000 images yesterday without any issue (apart from 50 images with no lat/longs). Another 16,000 uploading now.

Second upload has issues and is failing every 1,000 or so images

PS - I am also unable to load images to forum messages any longer

That was my problem.

I uploaded friday evening and the pictures appeared monday evening.

It must be something related to the server side.

A better error message would be useful for sure, so we can get some idea on what is going wrong

Using v1.2.4, find that several nights in a row uploads in the order of 3500 pics stalled like a half dozen times; once pics were eventually published in one series only 2/3 of pics were visible after four days, and just 1/3 of another series; also used the web-uploaded in the new Edge, which worked flawlessly.
Sent mail to support@mapillary, and after prompt message from Said log.log files ; awaiting what ails …