Dear @mapillary,
The Structure from motion feature has come a long way since it first surfaced some months ago; although still found one pic to niggle (confession : deliberately picked these spots to help you and SfM fine-tune) :
Mapillary camera was looking to the right / west yet SfM detected looking the other way;
But that was the single in six trial images, the rest :
Mapillary got it nailed!!
(as do Mapillary and Mapillary : that’s great news, as you now get some bonus views where I looked sideways into a sidestreet.
At Mapillary SfM didn’t get distracted by GoPro’s version of the ‘Echternach Procession’ : two steps forward, one back
Ditto Mapillary and Mapillary - although on that occasion I cycled on the cycleway rather than the tram tracks : would you be able to contribute info from image analysis to SfM to help correct the location?
Which leaves Mapillary : the photo clearly shows the camera close to the traffic lights, yet this is one of a few in an otherwise correctly placed sequence where the relocation model sent a few pics astray.
That’s my collection of ‘great detections’ and ‘could do better’ for now,
with best regards,