So my token expired yesterday and I am trying to exchange it
but. Do i have to get a new one and how, the This authorization code has expired, too.
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired on Saturday, 24-Jun-23 01:54:29 PDT. The current time is Sunday, 25-Jun-23 04:54:01 PDT.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
"fbtrace_id": "AJqBn7i9uLMGj3W6SfjlJYd"
Since the user access token returned from the Token Exchange endpoint will expire at some time, as developers you need to refresh the token before it gets expired.
If the token has already expired you can generate a new token for the user by going through the authorization flow (logging in again). For future tokens, you can store the “expires_in” value to know if the token is going to expire soon in order to refresh it.
You can find expires_in in the API response from along with the access token itself. When you store the access token I would recommend to also store the expires_in value so you can use it to check when the token expires in the future so you can refresh it instead of authenticating again.
So I just delete it and start over?
Updated my old working postman and now i get
“error”: {
“message”: “Application Secret required for this endpoint”,
“type”: “MLYApiException”,
“code”: 10,
“fbtrace_id”: “AvGT37eU89Y0K2Y7ZESD4Kr”