Yes, of course - GPSData000001.txt - Google Drive
In general, I tried the set of scripts proposed by Doriel and got the result, however, I have some comments on it and I deleted the sequence uploaded to Mapillary. Firstly, as I indicated in the previous post, the script cannot handle the real GPSData000001.txt file from the DVR due to the presence of incomplete lines or lines with incorrect coordinates (as it turned out, there are some). In order for the script to execute, I had to manually edit the GPSData000001.txt file. Secondly, different approaches are used when forming the gpx file and extracting images from the video. In gpx, points are added by interpolation until their frequency is reached with an interval of 1 meter. And it works really well. I decided to increase the interval to 2.5 meters for myself and got a gpx file with 338 points on a 3-minute video sample. The images are extracted with a constant time interval of 0.1 seconds. Thus, 1800 images were obtained from the video, of which about 20 were rejected by Mapillary. The result was a very high frequency of images. In my opinion, here we need to strive for the number of images in the result to be equal to the number of points in the GPX file. I hope it will be clear what I wanted to say. Unfortunately, I do not speak English and use Google Translate.
Well, just in case, here’s a sample video - NO20240716-183414-006050F.mp4 - Google Drive