Harvesting detection tag through API - licensing on your own tags

In the API documentation about image detections, you have the following rules:

Note: image detections are available under a commercial license through data requests. Please refer to our pricing or contact sales. Image detections are also available for editing OSM for free under OSM foundation contributor terms.

Indeed, when I am trying to get the tags through the API, I have the following answer:{“message”:“Unauthorized client”}.

If I understand correctly, you are not providing the detection tags in open access but it is a paying service. What about the detection we are providing ourself? Could I have access to the tags I have photo-interpreted myself on the images that I have ulpoaded? What is the license on this data? In your page about licensing, you write the following:

Contributors retain full ownership rights and title to their images, as well as other content they contribute, e.g. comments and tags.

Thus I should be able to harvest my own tags.

Any idea of how to do it?


@katrin - do you someone who can answer this?

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@dandrimont Good question! We don’t currently have an API ready for user-contributed tags. Only machine-generated detections and these need a commercial license. The big exception is OpenStreetMap where we want to make both tags and image detections available for free via OSM editing tools. This is something we’re currently working on.