Google Streetview Studio - amazing for GoPro MAX

Had another look, there is a copy option with exiftool, seems to work, just one command

exiftool -TagsFromFile 360_2412.MP4 “-time:all>time:all” 360_2412_Stitch_XHC.MP4

360_2412.MP4 is the video with original correct timesamps
360_2412_Stitch_XHC.MP4 is the stitched or edited video

In windows I use Powershell, In Unix I use bash
I usually write the commands in a text file, then copy’n’paste the lot


I am currently using TimeWarp for recording the GoPro footage to keep file size down, so the clip length is way shorter than the GPX interval. To fix this I had to slow down the video in Final Cut Pro by 5x. The resulting file size was enormous, so current workflow isn’t great at the moment. Hopefully GoPro will fix the GoPro Player bug soon, so I can export to .mp4 with gpx baked into the video file.


Just want to share some useful tools I found.

a Suite of Tools for Uploading Videos to Google Street View and Extracting Geotaggged JPG Sequences for Upload to Mapillary or Other Purposes

Personally, I’m using JPG2VID, to make a video from a folder of 360 sphere images with GPS data embedded. Produces video + GPX file.
I see there are other tools specifically made for GoPro MAX.

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@jgh35 Are they all for Windows?

here are the details


  1. Download the file and Unzip all files to a sub-folder of your user account folder. For
    example, if your name of your user account is “name”, then use the sub-folder
    Users of Parallels Desktop on Mac: Unzip all files to the “C:\UL2GSV_v13” folder within Windows 10.
    NOTE: The folder MUST NOT be a Mac folder accessed by Windows.
  2. Create shortcuts on the Windows 10 Desktop for the exe files of the UL2GSV tools you will be using.
  3. Review the following information about Windows Defender and the Versions of GSV2GSV and VID2GSV.

How on earth are you not having problems uploading using your gopro MAX to google street view studio? I have had nothing but issues. My GoPro max will not attach the GPX file and no matter what I do, when I upload I get an error, stating “GPS time range does not overlap with Video time range”. The gopro player, upon export will not allow me to select the option to retain GPMF data when I export no matter what settings I choose. I went further and tried to manually extract this data using Telemetry extractor and that did not work. I also tried using GPS tracker on my phone and hitting my shutter and pressing start on the app at the same time and I still get the error. What I have found is, the error displays the time that I export my file to my PC which is incorrect, somehow this property is over writing the native camera

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I am sure I will run into the same issue with huge file sizes. Curious what your file sizes are with your method, compared to a 30 minute 360 video? approx half, quarter smaller, etc?

Were you ever able to fix this and get it working?

I want to contribute blue lines with my gopro max. What settings are you recording with to make it work?

@emillime You can drag and drop your GoPro videos or timelapse photos to Mapillary Desktop Uploader for green lines.

Please find detailed walkthrough on how to contribute imagery with GoPro MAX!


Yes, and only one helps the OpenStreetMap community. :wink:

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Mapilio is a new open data street view contender trying to seriously challenge Mapillary. They just released integration with ID-editor for OpenStreetMap. Mapilio is based in Turkey (the Republic of Türkiye).

Thank you for the hint @kartmann! :+1: Here are my two cents on this.


:thinking: I don’t know, I do not want to sound rude or discouraging but to me Mapilio looks like a shell or skeleton company waiting to be bought by some investment fund. It’s packaging looks all :sparkles: sparkly :sparkles: on the outside but with little substance inside. Indeed, their web app does look nice — if you are ready to overlook some substantial amounts of bad English — but it is just eye candy and not real business. But, what is most concerning is the fact that they also make lots of claims what they are ostensibly able to do (with AI and other buzz words) but have yet not delivered much. As they claim, they have been for four years in business but their face and license plate blurring “AI” de facto does not exist. Furthermore, they say that they have been celebrating 1,000,000 images on May 16th 2023 and currently list 57,000 km of captured roads. Well, maybe I am ignorant or dismissive but there have been contributors on Mapillary for years that capture this amount of images per year or less. They seem to be selling more of a future vision to a potential investor where they could go than what they are capable of and are doing today. So, I do not know, in my view Mapilio does not seem to be that contender we might have been hoping for. I mean “hoping” in the sense that competition may accelerate progress, create better, and more cost effective products.


Thanks for advice. I need a MacOS install to enable the GPMF options...

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Hi @kartmann,

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Can you please describe how did you manage to apply the round “Sykkelmafiaen” nadir patch on your video? In which phase of the workflow did you do it?

Thank you!