If I were to mount a separate GoPro on the roof of my car facing rearwards, would that produce images as useful as if they were captured moving forwards?
Actually, now that I think about it, I already have a GPS-equipped, dual-channel StreetGuardian dashcam that produces good quality video. If I can convert the rear video output to sequential JPEG’s with the required metadata, might that be worth the bother of processing and uploading?
I prefer the external GoPro to the dashcam for the front view because my car has a nose that would do Jimmy Durante proud; and pointing the camera high enough for the nose to not dominate the raster would reduce its usefulness for its primary purpose of documenting idiot drivers and suicidal deer. But the rear camera has no such obstructions.
I’m also curious about how much of a hassle uploading using the GoPro Fusion currently is. Has someone combined the workflow in such a way that I could, say, dump all the images in a folder, let the computer munch on them whilst I sleep, and then automatically upload them when they’re thoroughly munched?
And while we’re asking dumb questions, is there such a thing as a supported 360 camera that’s non-spherical? I’m a pilot, so I like skies as much as the next guy. But using almost half the storage and bandwidth to capture imagery of the sky and the roof of my car doesn’t seem like the most efficient use of resources.