Download Mapilarry traffic signs with API v4

Hello, I don’t get how to download for example yields or stop signs in bbox area using python.

Previous code on puthon don’t work.

Can somebody help me please?
Thank you!

You can use this:

Use the layer mly_map_feature_traffic_sign.


I am sorry, but I dont get how to change your code.
Can you make it once for me, please?

I want to download all detections with Yield signs on this location bbox = ‘28.9991,49.6265,31.9874,51.3965’
and save outfile in json format on my local disk for example here: E:/yield_folder/yield_traffic_sign.geojson’

You have to change these lines:

MAP_ACCESS_TOKEN = "MLY|1234567899" ##Put your API key here
outputfolder = "/tmp/mapillary"  ##Your output folder here
ll_lat = 59.46032  ##Lower left LAT
ll_lon = 24.47499 ##Lower left LON
ur_lat = 59.70013 ##Upper right LAT
ur_lon = 25.10291 ##Upper right LON

Example here:random-mapillary-stuff/ at master · taneljairus/random-mapillary-stuff · GitHub

All you need to do on that one is add your own API key.


Thank you a lot!
With help of this script I can download all traffic signs!
Is it possible to specify to download only regulatory–yield–g1 from traffic sign group?

There is no filtering on server side, so you can only download the whole dataset. It is possible to not store the other signs after downloading, but unless the files get too large to handle, it’s better to filter the output file afterwards.


Thank you a lot!
You realy help me!