Hi, until a few days ago this code worked without any problem, today I don’t know why but the call I make to the API with detection no longer returns the image field with its id and geometry, but returns geometry string twice and ids which do not correspond to any image.
By chance something has changed with this API call? Please help me and thanks
def process_data(self, mapFeature_id, lock, outputFolderImages, outputFolderAnnotations):
images_id_list = []
annotationImage = []
annotationMapFeature = []
pg = None
# code to receive the image_id connected to the mapFeature
header = {'Authorization': 'OAuth {}'.format(codes.API_KEY)}
url = 'https://graph.mapillary.com/{}/detections?fields=image,geometry'.format(mapFeature_id)
response = requests.get(url, headers=header)
data = response.json()
for elem in data['data']:
{‘data’: [{‘geometry’: ‘GjgKBm1weS1vchIYEgIAABgDIhAJ1inuHRqOAQAAogGNAQAPGgR0eXBlIgkKB3BvbHlnb24ogCB4AQ==’, ‘id’: ‘347188100305014’}, {‘geometry’: ‘GjgKBm1weS1vchIYEgIAABgDIhAJ/CyEGhrgAgAA4gLfAgAPGgR0eXBlIgkKB3BvbHlnb24ogCB4AQ==’, ‘id’: ‘486137356142716’}]}