3D view in mobile apps

Hello, I wanted to ask about the 3D view for mobile devices. Will it be available at some point? I ask this because the web version of Mapillary does not support touch gestures in the 3D view.
It would be very useful to be able to view it directly from the app if you do not plan to make the website compatible with touch gestures.

Thanks for asking! What is your use case for this? (Why is this something you’re interested in, so we can understand it better)

I ask for it simply with the purpose of being able to use the 3D view, the point mesh view, on touch devices. Simply because I don’t always have a computer at hand and because I like to see how the captures merge when you pass the same street twice. It’s not something very urgent

Gotcha, OK, let me check with folks on this one and get back to you.

@Albergarri788 As of now, it is not possible to navigate the 3D point cloud view on touch devices/with touch input because it is not supported in MapillaryJS. For the 3D point cloud view MapillaryJS only supports (mouse, pen/stylus, trackpad) input currently.

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Yes I know :smiley: . That’s why I was asking about it. Maybe they had plans to add it.