GPX track requirements

I record GPS data with my Garmin smartwatch because X4 has no GPS receiver. I start tracking with my smartwatch in advance while I am preparing because the smartwatch needs some time to set the GPS position correctly. When I am ready to start my hike I start recording on the camera with the app whereby the camera’s time is synchronized accurately. At home I embed the GPS positions in the photos with exiftool. Then everything is perfect.

But I really want to improve the precision of my GPS tracks and so I thanks all writers here for their valuable inputs.

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why horizon levelling looks so bad

Have you really switched on “Automatic horizon leveling” in Insta360 desktop app?

I only can reproduce your problem when switching it off. Then my images look like yours when panned around.

With stick tilted to the left. The camera was pointed at the wall to the right of the window:

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Feels odd that my aint better maybe I need to test this with a weight as @brunofilmklov does Orientation stabilization… Bruno where did you buy your weight?

how I set it…

I have to set it at both places, not only in the Exporting dialog.

Here an exported image with Horizon lock/levelling only set in the Export dialog:

What Insta360 app version do you have? Is it Mac or PC?

Try to set Rotation Lock on the camera too:

It does make no difference for me, but who knows.

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