Considering Action Cameras

Mapillary is a recent discovery that I’ve been looking into. I may have a few use cases that Mapillary could provide service for. That being the case, I’m considering contributing. My initial experimentation has demonstrated that using a cell phone camera mounted inside a vehicle windshield is often problematic. So, I’m considering getting an action camera.

I don’t have a lot of other use cases for an action camera - at least for now - so I’m thinking about keeping the cost low. So any advice/suggestions for a good option?

I’ve come across this guy…

OCLU Action Camera

Any thoughts on it’s usability for Mapillary contributions?

Some specs:

Photo Features

Resolution: 1/2" 12.4 MP (4168*3062)
Burst Rates: 10/SEC, 5/SEC, 3/SEC
Time Lapse Intervals: 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60 seconds
Continuous Photo Rates: Yes

The rest of the specs are are at that link.

The OCLU appears to have a decent mobile app that can be used to control it (via WiFi) etc. the OCLU doesn’t have built in GPS. In lieu of that, it uses your phone’s GPS data. I can’t see anywhere in their documentation if the time lapse photos are geotagged. In fact I can’t tell what file format the OCLU uses for photos. I presume it’s JPEG (EXIF). Is JPEG standard for action cameras? I would normally just ask OCLU, but they don’t provide a phone number and so far have not been responsive to inquiries via email.

Another question that comes to mind. What’s the appropriate setup for action cameras and Mapillary? I see on the Mapillary website that it suggest 4K for FDR-X3000 cameras and HDR-AS300 cameras. Is that the only acceptable image size? I note there are multiple resolutions for 4K. Is the 4168 x 3062 resolution of the OCLU acceptable? I also see 1 sec time lapse intervals. Should be no problem.

Anyway… Any insight/suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

You definitely dont need the latest whizz bang camera. I am still using GoPro 7’s (Black). I have mine mounted externally but if mounted inside a vehicle you could just get in, start them, drive and then turn them off at the end. I didnt find remotes that useful and in the case of goPro you cant use a remote for multiple cameras taking time lapse (only video). The best thing you need is the ability to run them all the time with external power if you are doing long drives. I shoot at 1/2 second interval.

Uploading takes time so also check out my notes on how I achieve that with both the desktop uploader and the command line tools. Mapillary and GoPro devices - Google Docs

With the new Gopro remote, you can control up to 5 cameras, and it works in photo timelapse. I use it with my 4 Hero 9.

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I did not know there was a new Gopro remote.

That’s great news…. Now I just need new cameras! :grinning:

Not for me, I have a Gopro Hero 7.